Chapter 49

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My sleep schedule was off because of the time change between California and Rome, so I got very little rest, and was up again as soon as the sun came through the window beside my bed. I quickly got dressed and entered the main sitting room of the quarters assigned to us, to find Will, Henri, Mark and Smit deep in discussion around the table by the window that looked out over St. Peter's Square.

Silence immediately settled around the table as I entered. Will turns and smiles at me. "Did you get some sleep? It could prove to be a busy day for you. Smit has outlined your day and after a meeting with the Pope at lunch in his quarters, you are to be given a detailed tour of the Vatican and the surrounding grounds, so you will know where everything is when you enter your training, to one day become the spiritual leader of the Church."

I stop and stare at them for a moment as one part of me, my Father and Mothers section, sees the continuation of their long plan for their offspring, while the young boy in me is terrified by the very notion of being put to the test everyday by the Cardinals.

Smit stands and comes over to me, taking my hand in his. "I would like to be the first to welcome you to the Vatican. I know that Will and Henri will still be your guardians, but I would like to be included in that group also."

I smile at his heartfelt words and bow my head slightly. "I would be honored to have your advice and your protection here at the Vatican."

"Thank you, your... what do I call you, anyway?"

Will and Henri both chuckle at Smit's awkwardness. I smile happily. "Lucien will be fine. When and if I am given a loftier title, you can change how you address me, but for now, just Lucien will suffice."

Smit bows slightly from the waist. "Well, Master Lucien, is there anything I can do for you this lovely morning?"

I shake my head. "Stop being so formal for one thing, and maybe some breakfast for another."

"Done," exclaims Smit, as he visibly relaxes. "The kitchen has been waiting for you since before dawn. They are anxious to find out what you prefer for breakfast each morning, so why don't we go see them now?"

"Lead on then."

Smit heads for the door as Will, Henri and Mark carrying his briefcase, get up to follow us out into the hallway and to the elevator that will take us down to the bottom level where the kitchens are located.

As we ride the elevator down Mark speaks up. "I should be going. I am to check in with a Mister Alan'd at police headquarters here in Rome. I am still concerned about the attacks and the possible connection to Lucien."

Will claps him on the back as he is passing them on his way out of the elevator that has stopped on the main floor of the residence. "Thanks for everything you have done for us, and I suspect you will be doing in the future."

"Don't worry, I will be around for the next while anyway," assures Mark, as he continues past them to the stairs that will take him to the back of the Palace.

The double doors into the large cafeteria style dining hall are wide open when they get down to them and the smell of bacon cooking has me craving a few pieces of the crispy strips. We sit down at a table close to the wall on the right side. I look around at the others having their breakfast and the stares they are giving us, especially me as I sit at the end of the table with my back slightly turned from the open window into the kitchen where the patrons get their plates of food.

I can sense the excitement of the people in the room and the general enthusiasm in the Palace at my presence among them. So, when the young girl steps up behind me unnoticed, it causes me to jump in my chair, when she suddenly speaks. "Good morning, Sir."

I whirl around in shock ready to protect myself but stop dead with my mouth open as I gaze upon the young woman just starting to blossom into womanhood. She is dressed in the white winged cap warn by the kitchen staff and the large apron that covers her white dress. "Hello," I respond clumsily.

"I am to ask you what you would like for breakfast, so the cooks can make it fresh for you, and inquire as to your preferences each morning," smiles the sweet young girl.

I cannot take my eyes off her as I respond. "Bacon and eggs, with white toast and marmalade, lots of marmalade."

"Marmalade. That is also my favorite spread."

"Really," I smile up at her.

"Yes, the texture and tartness are heavenly. I will get the cooks on your order right away," she smiles sweetly, as she turns and walks back to the small door beside the open window at the counter. I stare at her back till she closes the door behind her.

Henri snaps his fingers beside my ear to get my attention, bringing me back from my deep thoughts. "Hello, Earth to Lucien. I think you just found yourself a new friend, my boy."

I shake my head to clear away the jumbled thoughts spinning around. "No, you don't understand. I cannot sense her like I can the rest of you here, and in all Vatican City. It is like my mind is blocked from reaching her."

Will nods his head as he smiles. "I think we have our first feelings of love, taking root in poor Lucien."

"Why do you say that?"

"Well, there are times in our lives when a woman touches deep longings inside us, so deep that they take over all other conscious thought. Nobody knows why or how it happens, but it is the inspiration of poets and great thinkers," adds Will.

Henri looks around from me to Will. "But how can this be? He is not old enough for those kinds of feelings, is he?"

Will turns to me. "Lucien, have you been having intense dreams at night over the last few months, causing things to happen?"

I put my head down, because I was hoping they had not noticed what has been happening. "Yes, I can't seem to control it. It just happens."

Smit is shocked by my admission. "But he is barely nine. Is he not too young for such feelings?"

Henri leans forward on the table, looking serious. "Obviously not, which is why he can't sense her. The feelings override everything else when he sees her. Although, my question is, who is this girl, and is she someone Lucien should be associated with."

Smit laughs at the look on Henri's face. "Spoken like a true father.

Henri leans forward aggressively. "I have been charged with protecting this boy since before he was born, by Pope Pius himself. In America, I could hide him from the masses, but here he is out in the open, vulnerable to everybody." He sweeps his hand around to indicate the people in the room. "Everybody here knows who he is, so I suspect everybody that gets close to him. So, do I need to ask again, who is this girl?"

"Sorry, I did not mean to belittle your concern," responds Smit, as calmly as possible. "She is new to the staff here. I think today might be her second day. She was a big help to Inspector Alan'd during the incident at the bank. It seems that she was walking to work at the Santa Maria clinic for the Unfortunate, where she was at one time a patient."

"It's Lucille. The girl that ran out into the street right in front of the car when we were here six years ago." I look back towards the kitchen area, smiling and looking slightly lost in thought. "She has changed since then."

Even Henri chuckles at my comment this time. "OK, someone I definitely need to keep an eye on, then."

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