Chapter 14

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Smit is sitting in the chair at the table in front of the big windows that look down on St. Peter's Square. He looks up as Henri approaches. "How is he? He did not look very good when he slumped onto the piano."

Will closes the door softly and steps up beside Henri who is about to respond but turns to Will instead. "What do you think happened, Will?"

Will sits down on the chair opposite Smit and shakes his head. "I don't know. This time was more intense than the healing he did on the way here at the clinic. The Cardinals were probably pouring out lots of attention at him, but I can't help wondering if it has something to do with the nightmares, he had last night. The music he played at the end was an even darker version of Wagner's normal music such as his Ride of the Valkyries. It had an anger to it that I have never seen Lucien display before."

"Why do you think he played that today?" asks Henri.

"Remember he kept yelling, "You can't make me, you can't make me, over and over again."

"Yes, he said that it was people in white coats that were trying to restrain him, and he was fighting against them in his dream. Do you think he is still being affected by that dream?" asks Henri.

Smit who has been listening closely to the conversation, speaks up. "Who are the people in white coats that you are talking about?"

Henri turns to him. "I would say it is the doctors at the clinic that probably had to use restraints on some of the patients for their own welfare."

Smit shakes his head. "Pope Pius always wears white robes, and he clearly did something that helped his excellency move around easier."

Will looks up suddenly from contemplating something. "Yes, that could be it. Our minds respond to patterns, and the white of Pius's clothing along with the healing of his mind could have triggered the same response as the nightmare, which probably originated with Lucille at the clinic."

Henri turns to Smit. "So, what is wrong with Pope Pius?"

Smit sits back in his chair. "Well, it is not public knowledge and you have to understand the importance of keeping things quiet, but in this circumstance, I think it is justified."

"What is justified?" asks Will.

"It seems that Pope Pius has a brain tumor that is slowly taking his life. The doctors say that he has only six months at the most before it takes over too much of his brain, causing his bodily functions to start shutting down. Is it possible that Son Lucien found this out when he connected with his Excellency today?'

Will nods his head. "I would say that is a fair assumption and just one more thing that would affect Lucien, causing his distress."

"So, what do we do now?" asks Henri.

"Get him back to The Magic Castle, where he feels safe and secure. It has been his whole life so far, and probably the only place he can relax," responds Will.

"What about the cabin in the mountains you told me about last night?"

Will nods his head, smiling as he thinks about it. "Yes, that can be a special place where we can go that is miles from anybody. Nothing but fishing and campfires at night beside the lake."

Smit smiles. "I had a place like that. We used to go there every summer. It wasn't a cabin in the woods, but a cottage by the ocean. I would spend all day walking the beach and finding odd bits of things that would wash up on the sand. I can remember imagining what the pieces of glass or the bits of wood could have been a part of. I would build whole stories around each one. I still go back there whenever I can."

"Yes, I think everybody has one of those places, and it helps us define who we are and how we relate to the world around us," adds Henri.

Will looks from one to the other. "I agree, and Lucien needs a place like that to ground him in the world also."

The three of them reflect on their childhood memories for a moment before Smit speaks up into the silence. "So, when do you leave?"

Henri takes a deep breath and looks to Will. "I would say as soon as he wakes up and has something to eat."

"I agree," adds Will.

Smit gets up from the chair. "OK, I will make arrangements with the kitchen for them to get something ready for you to eat whenever he wakes. The guards will be ready to clear a path to the helicopter pad shortly after that."

"Thank you," replies Henri, as he follows Smit to the door. "Is there anything else you can tell me about the clinic we stopped at yesterday?"

Smit pauses before opening the door, turning back to Henri. "It is one of the most respected institutes in Rome for the very young mentally challenged. I had Rafael stop in this morning, just to check on the condition of the patients."

"And, how were they?"

"All miraculously cured of their conditions. Doctor Frem would like to meet with Lucien and is petitioning Rome's Minister of Health to set up that meeting."

Henri nods his head. "Just another reason for us to get back to the U.S. and quickly."

"You do know that the word is out now, and Lucien's life will be plagued by every reporter and would be photographer on the planet."

"Yes, it may have been too early for us to have brought him to the Vatican. It is obvious that he is very vulnerable at this age."

Smit reaches out and puts his hand on Henri's arm. "If there is ever anything, I can do to help the three of you, all you have to do is ask."

Henri lays his other hand on top of Smit's. "I fear that I will be placing that call a few times before this is over."

Smit smiles and opens the door, slipping out into the corridor. Henri stands still for a moment as he considers what Smit had just said but gets pulled from his reflection by Will calling out to him. "You may want to come and see this. I don't think our escape from here is going to be very easy to accomplish.

Henri moves to the window and looks down on St. Peter's Square to see nothing but a sea of people building up against the line of guards that are doing their best to hold back the crowds in front of Saint Peter's Basilica. He turns back to Will, who's face shows the concern he now feels. "We could be in trouble."

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