Chapter 72

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I don't know how long I had anguished in the cell, but I seemed to reach the point where I couldn't remember the details of my actions anymore, almost as if my mind was protecting me from the worst of the memories. The roughness of the blanket that is stretched over the mattress starts to scratch my cheek and I sit up and look around me as if I did not know where I was anymore.

I start to piece my life together again using my A.I enhanced memory to recall my life up to this moment, when I hear the door creak open at the end of the stone walled cell deep inside Vatican City.

I move to the bars to see who it is, wrapping my fingers around the solid steel and pressing my face between them to get a look at who was entering. The lights in the cell block are low so the brighter light from the other side of the door only gives me a silhouette of the person approaching. The only thing I know for sure is that it is a female, and a very shapely female at that, who must be wearing a very tight outfit that shows off all the curves of her body.

The figure approaches slowly, almost as if she knows the effect, she is having on me, which is a welcome change from my feelings of a few minutes ago. She reaches the first light bulb hung from the ceiling, bathing her face and body in enough light that I can see who it is, even though I can tell by the fact that I can't sense her with my mind, gives away her identity.

Lucille strides up to my cell with her shoulders back and her head held high as she stops just short of the bars I am imprisoned behind. "What have you done, Lucien? The word is that you killed the Pope. Why would you do such a silly thing?"

She approaches the bars and runs her hand down my cheek, smiling as she detects the wetness there. "Oh, you poor boy. Are you sad that you have killed one of the most influential people on Earth?"

"I didn't mean to do it. Somebody was blocking me, and I needed Pope Francis to understand what had happened to Murphy, so I forced myself on his mind pushing past the block."

"But it was too strong, and you destroyed his mind instead. Don't worry, I understand, and I will make things all better for you," smiles Lucille, sweetly.

I step back from the bars as I look her up and down. It suddenly comes to me that she has changed. She is wearing tight black yoga pants that hug every curve of her body along with a tight top that is dark blue and just as tight. The thick white ribbon that is holding her hair back from her face adds a sense of good over the dark almost sinister outfit.

She smiles at my observation. "So, you like what you see, do you. I thought that the black and white would be fitting, seeing as you think of me as white and good, when I am truly black and bad."

I stare at her because that is almost exactly what I was thinking. "How did you know that I was thinking about black and white in relation to good and bad?"

"I have been reading you since the moment you came down the street that day so many years ago. I have always been with you since that fateful day when you took the confusion from my mind. I was the voice of Bo keeping you from growing up too fast, and the dreams were how I tormented you, just because I could."

I pull back from the bars and stare at her. "What are you saying? How can you know about Bo?"

She steps up to the bars and smiles knowingly. "I have been manipulating you, making you do things, ever since then. Remember what you did at the piano recital for Pope Pius. How did that make you felt?"

I search my mind and can put together numerous times when I felt that I was being controlled from outside myself. "So, for all those years, it was you behind the evil thoughts I fought against. Did I not have any thoughts that were my own?"

A.I. Evolution: The Fall of LucienWhere stories live. Discover now