Chapter 73

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I do not know how long I was out, but when I come too, I am standing on the bottom bar holding the vertical ones in place about a foot from the floor. Lucille is watching me wake, smiling as she releases the block from my mind, and I scream out in pain. She laughs out loud for a second as the pain washes over me threatening to take me back into the darkness of a moment ago. Then just as my eyes start to roll up, I feel the pain disappear so I can focus again.

I look down to see that my clothes have been removed and my arms are wrapped around the bars to each side of my body in a way that seems impossible unless the bones were broken so they could be threaded in and around them. I look to my left leg and the same thing has been done to it with the foot twisted around so the toes are pointing back into the cell. I look up to her only to find that the back of my head hits the outside of the bars. I roll my neck from side to side, but I am stuck solid with my shoulders on one side of the bars and my head on the other.

"Do you believe that I have the stronger Nanos now?"

"Why have you done this to me?"

"Isn't it obvious? You are going to die a Martyr just as our father did, and just like our mother, I will take all your Nanos from you, effectively ending your life."

I look out to the side and now I can see the upper bar that is under my chin. The only thing allowing me to breathe is my right foot that is resting on the lower bar; without that I would hang by my neck in the bars as I choked to death unable to draw in any air, because the bar would effectively cut into my windpipe.

I look up to her imploringly.

"Ah, I see that you have figured it out. Good, now it is time to take what is rightfully mine."

I feel my mind being flooded with thoughts of passion as I stare at her tight outfit. All thoughts of her being my twin sister leave my mind as the passion and need build inside me. Then as wrong as I know it is, I feel myself rising getting harder and stronger than I had ever felt before. She waves her hand in front of me and the simple breeze as the air moves in front of the rigid shaft makes it twitch with such need that I gasp and close my eyes.

Lucille smiles and gets down on her knees moving towards me. I close my eyes and wait for the touch of her wet mouth. I do not have long to wait, and when I feel it being held firmly, the bones on my right leg snap in two places. I want to sag on the bars, but she holds me up just enough to allow me to breathe slightly. There is no movement from her as I try desperately to move against her being stopped each time by the bars, which just increases the need inside me. The Nanos leave my mind and travel to the only place they can survive allowing the pain to come back slowly.

Lucille lowers her head putting more pressure on my neck, which I try to compensate for by using my right leg only to find out that it is now useless. The world begins to darken as I start to starve for air, but not before the burst of sensations in my head causes Lucille to get all that she wanted from me.

Lucille leans back and smiles as the Nanos leave me and enter her, giving her a surge of clarity, she has never felt before. She cannot move for a moment because the sensation is so powerful. So, she simply watches me choke on the bar unable to lift myself up.

The last thing I see is her smiling face watching me. The calmness of my mind startles me as black spots form in my mind's eye and I drift off, never to return.

Lucille gets up from the floor and reaches out with her mind to check on the guards that she had slipped by so she could enter the cell block. She finds them still looking at the monitor's that show an empty set of cells except for Lucien laying on his cot, still as if sleeping. "Good, I hoped that I would not lose control as the Nanos asserted themselves."

I get up and go to the bars and finish the job I started on my poor twin. I take the right leg and twist it around the bars like the other one. I step back to observe my handiwork. His head is hanging over the bar nicely and his body is stretched out as if he were crucified. "A fitting end for you, my poor brother."

A quick kiss on the forehead and straightening of his hair before I turn for the doors to the main room of the Swiss guard finishes my connection to my old life. The guards do not look up as I move past them, because I have shifted my appearance slightly as if I were out of phase with this world. I walk down the hallway and out to the roadway, moving to the side of the building, and the car waiting for me.

I climb into the back as Frank Ross turns to face me. "Have you taken care of the loose end?"

"Yes, my brother will not be interfering with my plans anymore."

"So, you have all the Nanos now?"

"Yes, for the first time ever, I am the only one to have them all together in one mind."

"How does it feel?"

I smile at him. "You have no idea. But now it is time to leave and get back to the lab in America."

"Right away, Boss," smiles Frank, as he turns around and starts the car, pulling away from the side of the building.

A.I. Evolution: The Fall of LucienWhere stories live. Discover now