Video Chat :Cute/Fluff:

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You're sitting at your desk waiting for your best friend to video chat you. It's been about a week since you'd been able to video chat because he's been busy. But he told you tonight he would call you and you felt this mixture of happiness and nervous because you intended to finally admit how you felt about him. You had been hiding it for years and you knew after ending things with your ex something you hadn't told him yet because it happened during his busy week.. you couldn't hide it any longer you needed to open your heart and get it out there no matter what happened or how he reacted because keeping it inside was effecting you a lot.

You're looking down at your lap when the video chat request pops up and the ringing plays. Your gaze flicks up and you take a deep breath before scrolling over the 'Accept' button on the screen. You press it and put on a smile as your best friend appears he too is smiling and he has his guitar in hand looking happier then ever. His happiness made you weary about telling him, but you had to do it before you lost the nerve to.

"Hey Dommy!" You say as cheerfully as possible and he chuckles "Hey Y/N! How have things been this week love?" He asks strumming mindlessly at the guitar chords. You watch his fingers move across the string and smile softly "Was okay, Broke it off with my boyfriend" You say gauging his reaction. His fingers stop moving and he looks at you surprised and a little wide eyed he isn't smiling anymore. "Wait are you serious? W'happened?" He asks in a slightly curious voice. You shrug "Realized he wasn't the one I wanted" You admit still watching his every move.

He adjust and sets his guitar beside him to get closer to the camera. "Wait, Who is it you want then love?" He asks sounding more curious now and you flush a slight pink due to his intense attention on the situation. You adjust yourself and look down picking at your fingers. "W-Well... I-I, You Dommy.." You admit as confidently as possible even if you'd stuttered and refused to look back up at him.. it was silent for a few seconds and you felt your heart sink deeper the longer it took for him to reply.

"You want me?" He asks confirming it for himself and you nod softly looking up a little and he's smiling again you tilt your head confused your heart beat picking up a little. "Good, I was tired of seeing you with that guy. Tired of being jealous whenever he hugged you or kissed you. Specially when he was the one you brought home at night I fooking hated it babe I really did" He states casually grabbing his guitar he strums once and smiles wide. "Y'know that means I'm flyin' you out here love" He says and you flush crimson with a small smile your heart is racing as you're still trying to accept what just happened. "Talk to me love don't go quiet" he insists and you laugh faintly "I just.. shock I guess. I didn't expect it to go so well. I was afraid you would reject me to be honest" You admit feeling 10x less nervous now. He laughs "Nah, I'd never reject you love. Expect a ticket by tomorrow because I can't wait to see you" He says cheekily and you giggle.

"I can't wait to see you either Dommy" You admit. You hear him being called for in the background and he sighs looking at you "You're mine now love. And as soon as you get here I am never lettin' go" He says and you smile your entire face red by now. "Talk later Dommy have a good show" You reply.

You get off the video chat and squeal loudly jumping onto your bed and hugging the pillow screaming into it overwhelmed with excitement and happiness about this entire situation. Seconds later your laptop dings and you have a printable ticket send from Dommy it's for tomorrow afternoon. He wasn't playing around he was impatient. You giggle to yourself and start getting packed for tomorrow you're so excited you have to double check to ensure you're not forgetting anything.

You set your luggage by your bedroom door with a smile and figure out how to occupy the rest of the day so it'll go quicker.

(Should I do a part 2 where she gets there? Should that be another fluffy/cute or should it be a semi or full on smut? Which would you prefer to see?)

Dominic Harrison/YUNGBLUD One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now