First Sleepover: Cute/Fluffy

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Dominic and I had been together for a few months now and we have had dinner at each others apartments before, but this would be our first official overnight sleepover and I was genuinely excited about it because being with him was always fun.

I packed the things I would need into my overnight bag and locked my apartment door behind me.

I take a cab to his apartment and giggle when I see him waiting outside with a wide smile, I get out and he pays the driver which surprises me, but I think its sweet so I don't argue about it.

"Let me take that for ya luv" He says gently taking my bag and kissing my lips.

I return the sweet kiss and follow him into his apartment building. He called it his flat and I loved it along with his accent.

He has my hand in his leading me to his elevator and we both step inside.

"I have the entire night planned" He says with a proud smile and I giggle at how cute he is.

"I'm excited for whatever you planned" I reply.

We get off the elevator and head to his flat which he left unlocked so we could head inside before he shuts the door behind us.

"Ill set your bag on the bed" He says with a smile and gently places my bag on his bed in his room.

I look around the familiar room with a smile looking at the little movie area he had set up for us.

He comes behind me and wraps his arms around my waist nuzzling his face in the crook of my neck.

I giggle and put my hands on top of his.

"This is really sweet Dom" I say in a happy tone

He smile and kisses the spot softly
"Good, Because I'm really excited for ya to spend the night. I ordered food for us too and took out the best blankets" He replies cheerily

I turn and kiss his lips sweetly, a soft kiss that he returns and I move my arms around his shoulders playing with the hair at the back of his neck.

He playfully lifts me off the floor and I lock my legs around him giggling a little.

"What are you doing?" I ask

"Bringing you to the bedroom, I set out some of my cozy clothes for you to steal. Then... Were gonna snuggle on the couch with our movies and food" He says with a content smile.

I kiss his nose softly
"That sounds amazing" I reply.

He sets me down and leaves the room when there is a knock on the door, He goes to get the food and I change into his clothes that he left for me.

I smile because they are warm and they smell like him. I snuggle into them and leave the bedroom to see him putting food on plates and carrying them to the living room. I hurry over and help with the drinks setting them onto the coffee table beside the food.

"This looks amazing"

"You look amazing" he returns looking me over.

I blush and pull him to sit on the couch. We snuggle up and pull some blankets over us before he is playing one of the movies he picked for the evening.

We stay snuggled up only moving to enjoy the food he ordered or to share cute little kisses during the sweet parts of the movies.

I felt warm and safe and comfortable wrapped in his arms surrounded by nothing, but love.


Must be what heaven felt like.

I smile to myself and nuzzle my nose against his jaw closing my eyes to just relish in the moment.

He kisses my forehead and I giggle a little not opening my eyes because I was really just enjoying the moment.

Most of the night was spent like this us on the couch with movies playing and us sharing kisses in between never anything more or to heated it was just relaxing and comfortable.

The later it got the more tired I got and I was soon falling asleep on him.

He chuckles and lifts me up.

I whine a bit
"But the movie" I mumble

He smiles
"It can be finished tomorrow" he assures

He carries me to his bedroom and lays me down before getting in with me and pulling me into his arms.

I turn and cuddle up to him laying my head on him happily.

"Okay, Tomorrow" I whisper in bliss.

He smiles and kisses my head.

"Goodnight luv" He coos

"Night Night Dommie" I mutter with a yawn.

I doze off a little later wrapped in his arms Contently. Sleeping over here made me feel calmer and I had not slept so well in such a long time.

I couldn't wait to wake up to him the next morning 💙

(Should it be Part 2?)

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