Pregnancy Reaction: Funny/Adorable

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You and Dominic had been trying for a baby for about a year now and nothing had worked, but you'd gone to the doctor while he was away on tour opting to stay home this time because you had various appointments set up to try and help the pregnancy process. You were a little surprised when you had found out you were in fact pregnant and you couldn't wait for Dominic to come home to tell him. Literally you couldn't wait so instead you called his next interview place so they could get the exclusive because you wanted to reveal it to him on camera to capture his reaction.

They agreed and you flew out that night to join them the next morning. Dominic had no clue you'd be there and you were hidden in the back beside stage managers when he came into the studio. You were crazy nervous but crazy excited at the same time you knew he'd be happy but you were still nervous for the world to find out at the same time.

You watched the interview and waited till they waved you into the area. When you walked in Dominic smile and came over to hug you. He was surprised but happy to see you and even more happy you joined him because you didn't often sit in front of the camera with him.

"You have something you wanna say?" The women asks with a huge smile and you nod a little nervous "I do" you reply and Dominic gets curious "What's going on love?" He asks Wearily. You giggle softly and take his hand settling it onto your tummy "were pregnant" you state proudly and it takes a few seconds to kick in. But when it does a huge grin appears on his face and he starts to bounce around like a kid with candy. He spins and jumps with a big smile yelling out repeatedly "I'm gonna be a dad!" Everyone is laughing and cheering at the announcement and you're a giggling mess before he's kissed you one full of love and happiness.

You stay for the rest of the interview and share your struggle with them about getting pregnant and your plans for the baby and everything with Dominic.

Dominic Harrison/YUNGBLUD One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now