
Start from the beginning

  Madame Pomfrey stared at me for a second before laughing. Hermione, Harry, Ron, and I looked at each other puzzlingly.

  "Oh, no worries, dear. Colds are not really a big deal when it comes here, you'll just need a quick spell for that." Madame Pomfrey's lips curled a bit, pointing her wand and mumbling a quick spell.

Where is Madame Pomfrey in 2020?

  I felt my lungs clear up all the way to my throat and to my nose. It felt cold all of a sudden like I just ate a pack of mentos.

  "This feels great, thank you!" I smiled at Madame Pomfrey who waved us off as we exited the hospital wing.

  "Which reminds me, why were you drenched last night anyways?" Harry asked as we walked out of the castle.

  "Oh, just a quick catfight with in the bathroom. Nothing big." I shook my head as I exhaled, finally able to breathe.

    "Nothing big? She had a fight with Pansy Parkinson and her friends.. honestly it was surprising Nicolette survived. Those girls are really freaky when it comes to fights." Hermione tutted, shaking her head.

   "Those girls fought you while you're alone?" Ron furrowed his eyebrows, turning to me with an upset look.

  "Yeah, but I've got things handled. I guess I was lucky I knew a bit of self-defense." I shrugged, flipping my hair jokingly.

  "That was so cool! But they shouldn't be picking on people if they're not equal.. next time Pugface tries another stunt on you, call me and I'm not afraid to-" Ron cracked his knuckles but Hermione immediately slapped him on the shoulder.

  "Ronald! Are you insinuating about hitting a woman?!" Hermione glared at the flustered boy.

  "Well.. they hit Nicolette in the first place without any reason at all! It's just fair if we get to do the same-"

  Ron was hit on the shoulder by Hermione one more time.

  "I told you, this is the consequence of fighting with Malfoy. You argue with him, you argue with the rest of the Slytherins." Harry sighed disappointingly.

  "Oh, what are those people going to do to me? It's really not a big deal. I've had worse back home." I rolled my eyes, recalling my dad hitting me when I was 10, before mom and I moved out. That was the only time I was happy about the idea of divorce.

  "Well, you better promise me to tell me everything and call me if you need help. We're friends and you shouldn't keep something bad from us, blimey." Harry huffed.

  "Alright, I promise. Cross my heart and hope to die." I grinned.

   The silence was broken when we heard Hermione and Ron who was fighting again.

   "Why are you both fighting again?" I sighed, rubbing my temples.

   "Ronald has lost his rat." Hermione stated, pursing her lips as she gave Ron a side-look.

   "I haven't lost anything, your cat killed him! Don't try defending your murderous cat!" Ron wailed.

   "Rubbish! Crookshanks would never harm anyone, or your bloody rat!" Hermione pulled me with her as we walked ahead of them.

"Cats were known to hate rats, it's not inevitable!" Ron retorted.

   "Or maybe you should learn to take better care of your pets!" Hermione turned back to Ron as Harry and I just listened at the married couple.

  "Your cat killed him!" Ron fought back, repeating his argument.

   "Did not!"

   "I think if Scabbers would be killed by Crookshanks, there must be a pretty good reason. I mean, cats were known to have killer instincts, something's probably wrong with Scabbers." I said, I already knew the truth about Scabbers aka Peter.

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