Chapter 15. The Pact

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The day after the  festival,  Tanya was over at Sharon's house.  They were in Sharon's bedroom listening to music and talking about the festival the night before.  There was a knock on the door.  Sharon asked who it was, but whoever it was just kept knocking until she went to the door.   She opened the door and in walked Eric.  Tanya sat up and looked at Sharon. 

"I swear I had nothing to do with this," Sharon told Tanya.  

"Scram." Eric told Sharon. 

"This is my room, you scram." 

"Your  boyfriend is  out front waiting for your." Eric said.  Sharon ran from the room leaving Tanya at Eric's mercy.  Eric locked the door and stood with his back against the door and folded his arms.  Tanya gazed at him nervously. 

"So what is this about breaking up with me?" Eric asked. 

"Eric, I can't do this anymore; you ghosting me  every time you want to go off and screw some girl," Tanya said. 

Eric walked over to the bed and knelt down on the floor in front of her.  He pulled her close to him and kissed her ever so passionately. She could not help but respond to him with the same passion.  Her eyes overflow with tear. With his thumb, he gently wiped away  the tear.  Eric gazed into her eyes which had changed from brown to gold right before his eyes.  He noticed that when she was aroused her eyes changed to a golden hew. 

"I did not go off and screw anyone.  I swear I have been good Tanya.  I have been trying to get you out of my system though," he said. 

Tanya gasped. "Why would you want me out of your system?" 

He searched her eyes for answers.  'Does she love me enough to make the tough decisions?  Her parents will never agree to us getting married. He wondered if she was ready to make that choice, him or them.  

"I need to be honest with you.  I have given much thought to letting you go...thinking that I am not the right man for you or this is not the right time for us," Eric said.  

Tanya looked at him with  wide  eyes.  "Or is it because I can't give you what you need?" She asked.

He closed his eyes.  "Yes I have needs Tanya, but I can't just think about what I need now; I have to think of what I need for the future and forever and that is you with me," he said.

Her eyes overflowed with tears and spilled over at hearing him say that.

"What about Mila?" Tanya asked.

"Mila? You think I care about her?" Eric asked.

"You were with her just last night," Tanya said. 

"I was not with her.  She came with my sisters," Eric defended himself.

"It doesn't matter anyway.  I am done," Tanya said.

"Done? And you just kissed me the way you did just now?" Eric teased.

"A kiss means nothing," Tanya said.

"Oh really? That's where you are wrong. A kiss means everything," Eric emphasized.

"I am sure you kissed all the girls you been with.  Are you saying those kisses meant everything?" Tanya asked.

"You are wrong again.  I never kissed any of them...only you," Eric said.

Tanya could hardly believe what Eric said. "Only me?!" She whispered.

"Only you...if I don't count Paula, but that was just for practice in high school," Eric smiled.

"These lips are only for you my Princess," he told her.

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