Chapter 35. Déjà vu

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Eric and Tanya survived the last two years and they were more in love than ever. Its unbelievable how much  happened with them in just two short years.  Eric and Tanya eloped and got married, Tanya father got killed as Eric defended Tanya, Eric was convicted and sent to prison; he won the appeal and got off the manslaughter charges with only time served.  Amidst all of that Tanya completed her two years of theoretical studies and they were expecting their first child.  Wow!!

Tanya had two  years of field studies to complete before she graduated with her degree in Education.  Her field studies did not require her to stay on campus so Tanya would be home in the evenings.  And with a baby on the way, they were looking far and wide for a suitable nanny to care for the baby while Tanya did her field studies.  They must have interviewed over a hundred people but none met Eric's standard.  Tanya set down the number one criteria...none of them must even know  Sahita.  

Eric decided it was time for a vacation....before the baby came.   Eric and Tanya took off to Acapulco for five nights. His band was playing there and  he thought it was a great idea to kill two birds with one stone.  Him and Tanya never had a honeymoon and he also wanted to reward Tanya for doing so well in school.  

Eric lay out on a lounge chair on the sand and watched Tanya walked from the ocean towards him with her pregnant bump. She had the most seductive walk. There was not one guy...or woman that didn't stop and turn to look at her and there was such an innocence about her that she didn't even seem to notice the attention she was stirring on the beach.  

 Eric's band played at the hotel two nights and Tanya gave the women in the audience a lesson in how to shake their asses and wine their waists Caribbean style and her pregnancy bump didn't hinder her in was part of the attraction.  The men were just in awe of her. Eric and Tanya held hands and took long walks on the beach in the evenings and dance beneath the stars at nights.  He promised to come back after she had the baby....all three of them. 

Tanya felt that the baby was God's gift to them. They were so excited and they started to make plans. Eric turned one of the spare rooms into a nursery. He started designing plans for the construction of the new beach house now that their  family was expanding.  

He was fascinated with what was happening to her body. Eric often found himself just watching her. He couldn't believe that they were finally together out in the open and happy. The freedom to be in the open to love her, to do anything they wanted was exhilarating and priceless.

They never let her pregnancy stop them from making love. The whole idea of his baby growing inside her gave him a warm feeling inside. He loved that she was carrying his baby. Eric was not a praying man but he thanked God every day for giving Tanya to him and he felt that once baby Willbrooks arrived their life  would be  complete.

Eric and Tanya had  found what they seek.  It seems that they had finally found happiness. Eric thought he hit the jackpot. The compatibility, the chemistry, everything was just perfect despite their differences, despite all the ups and downs. They were a puzzle that fits. They were the  envy of all their friends. Eric felt he loved her so much he would easily give his life for her if it ever came to that and thinking back he almost did. She was his "Endless Love." "Two hearts that beat as one" or so the songs said....and that feeling of déjà if they had lived before, in another place at another time  continued to plague them and would pop up when they least expected it.


Tanya woke up in the middle of the night with severe cramps. She was scared to death; she was just twenty two weeks into the pregnancy. Their baby could not survive being born at just twenty two weeks. Eric was on the phone immediately to her doctor.  Tanya's doctor  was travelling so they put him through to the covering doctor. The doctor told Eric to bring Tanya in immediately. Eric wrapped Tanya in a blanket, put her in a car and drove her to the hospital. The doctor met them there. They quickly settled Tanya in a room and examined her. Eric stood anxiously by the door and waited for news. The doctor looked stoned faced as he emerged from the room. Eric heart just dropped.  What the fuck now? he thought.  

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