Chapter 26. The Price

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"Stop you fucking bastard," Mr. Johnson said as he pointed the gun at Eric.

Eric stopped in his track.  He felt like jumping  the crazy fool and beating the shit out of him for holding  a gun on him and Tanya.  Mr. Johnson  pointed the gun back at Tanya.  Eric thought that he had to do something to get that fucking gun away from the crazy man.   

"Of all the boys in the world, you had to choose him; I would rather see you dead than see you with that bastard," Mr. Johnson said with tears in his eyes.

The tears rolled down Tanya's face. Tanya's mother started to cry and begged her husband to put the gun away. All Eric could think  was ,  if Tanya died then he might as well be dead too. His entire life flashed before him, his pass life as well as his future and he knew he could never live with himself if he stood by and let this go down.  

Without thinking, Eric acted.  It happened so quickly. Eric dived at Mr. Johnson; they both fell to the ground as the gun went off. Tanya felt sick as she looked on as if in a trance. Eric lay a top of Mr. Johnson and none of them moved. And neither did Tanya; she was frozen. Were they both dead? Was all she could think of. And if she had to choose, could she decide which one she wanted to live. She prayed that they were both ok.

And as if Eric could hear her thoughts, he got up, as if in a daze. There was blood all over him. He was shot but where? Tanya screamed Eric's name and so did Eric's mother. Sahita pushed Tanya out of her way and ran to her son. Mr. Johnson was still lying there. Everyone ran to Mr. Johnson's side but he was not moving. Mrs. Johnson screamed out for help. 

"You bastard, you killed him." She cried. 

Tanya rushed to her father's side. There was blood beneath his head. It was obvious that he hit his head on the rock when he fell. Daphne told every one to stand back as she tried to revive her brother to no avail. Daphne asked for help to put him in the car so she could rush him to the hospital. Eric offered to help but Tanya's mother spit in his face.

"Stay away from my family, you bastard," she cried.

Tanya wanted to go with them to the hospital but her mother pushed her away.

"Haven't you done enough?" she asked Tanya.

Tanya fell to her knees and cried and not even Eric could console her. She pushed him away. "Just go; leave me alone," she cried. Eric did not want to leave Tanya like that.

"Come on you are bleeding; you need to see a doctor," Eric's mother yelled at him as she pulled him away from Tanya.

Luck was on his side this day; the bullet went straight through Eric's upper right arm. Maybe it should have gone through his heart, he thought because if old Johnson was not ok he was sure Tanya would not forgive him for causing her father harm. Eric prayed the man was ok. After getting patched up at the hospital, Eric went home with his parents and he just broke down and cried. Everything happened so quickly;  once the gun surfaced it was clear no one wanted to intervene. Everyone just stood and watched in horror as everything unfolded. Eric was not sorry he intervened. 

Eric's mother was so angry at him. "What were you thinking putting  yourself at risk to save that gal?" she asked.

Eric was not in the mood to go into it with his mother.  Eric told his parents that he would turn himself in to the police.

"What for Eric? Don't make another mistake; what happened to that man was an accident and no one's fault but his own, pulling out a gun in a crowd of people ," His mother said. She was all for I told you so.

"We need to talk to a lawyer; that crazy fool Johnson should have never been allowed to carry a gun; he is too damn hotheaded." Eric's father finally said. 

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