Chapter 29. What Now?

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Tanya missed Eric terribly when she was away at school. She couldn't wait for the Easter break so she could be home with him for two whole weeks. Seeing him on weekends and even in the middle of the week was not doing it for her. She wanted to be with him all the time. She could hardly keep her mind on her lessons. She caught herself daydreaming in class about Eric all the time and all the little things he did to her when they were together. The  little house on the beach was now home for Eric and Tanya. 

Tanya missed her family too  especially her father and  little sister Jess. Her entire family was against her, even her grandparents. They held her responsible for her father's death.  Aunt Daphne was grieving in her own way too; she  had lost a brother whom she loved dearly.  And although she realized that Eric was trying to save Tanya's life, she blamed him for not making a smarter choice that morning.  There was no need for him to stop at the gate and jumping out of his car ready for a fight with her brother.  Eric was all the family Tanya  had left.  She tried not to dwell on it because it was all so depressingly heart wrenching. 

Eric dropped Tanya off at school  Monday morning but by Tuesday she was  already missing him and wanted to go home.

Tanya walked into the kitchen as Eric was closing the fridge door and  startled him "Tanya? what the Fuck; how did you get here?" Eric asked shocked to see her. 

Tanya laughed at the shocked look on his face.  She explained that she got a ride home from Josh her classmate and he was picking her up back in the morning. Eric did not like that she begged a ride to get home. He was silent for a minute, and then he scolded her, "I don't want you begging a ride from any man ever. Let me know when you want to come home and I will get you home." He said. 

He  was annoyed at her. He told her he would take her back in the morning. Tanya explained that Josh  was no stranger to her  and that they were in the same class and that she wanted her visit to be a surprise anyway. Eric said that he understood but he didn't want anything happening to her.  He never told her how paranoid he was.  He did not trust her family.  He expected that they would try something, even kidnapping  to get Tanya away from him.

"You are too trusting, you can't be too careful these days," he warned.

"Eric I was missing you so much and I wanted to surprise you," Tanya explained.

"I know, I am missing you like hell too babe, but promise me that you won't hitch a ride with anyone again, promise me Tanya," he demanded.

"Ok, I promise," she whispered. Tanya thought he was just jealous. He was scolding her as if she was a child. She thought he was spoiling the mood she had tried to so hard to create. 

"What time did you get here?" he asked.

"Just a few minutes before you," she responded.  She wondered why he was not happy to see her. 

Eric sat down at the kitchen table and took a sip of his beer. He noticed the look of disappointment in her eyes as she walked away.

"Come here, where you going?" he said.

Tanya came and sat on his lap, facing him with her arms around his neck. She was looking so damn sexy he couldn't stay mad at her.  Eric explained to her that he was just being cautious, because he wanted nothing bad to happen to her because she was his life. He kissed her and he noticed for the first time she had on that sexy nightgown he loved so much and he could tell she had nothing underneath. He smiled and gave her a wink. Shit what else could a man want, he thought. He considered himself lucky as hell. She was all over him, kissing him and unbuckling his belt. She took the beer from his hand, took a sip and placed it on the table.

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