Chapter 12. The Way We Heal

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Tanya was waiting for the bus  near her home. Her head was down absorbed in a book she was reading. That was so like Tanya, he thought as he rode his bicycle up to her braking inches from her feet.

Tanya looked up and was shocked to see Eric. Her heart skipped a beat.  "Hi Princess," he said.   

She smiled shyly.

"You still mad at me?" .  

She  looked at him without saying anything. He smiled. "You are looking good Princess. are you doing?" He was doing all the talking.

Tanya looked down at her shoes.  "I am good." 

"Good is good. I thought we might do lunch or something... later or tomorrow, just to catch up. it's been a while since we talked," he said with the most charming smile.

"I can't Eric."

"Look,  I am not going to go ballistic on you or force you back into a relationship. I respect your wishes to end our relationship because of what I did, but you are still my best friend and I just hope we can continue to be friends." Eric explained.

Tanya nodded.

"I don't want us to lose track of each other again like we did before," Eric said.


But they both knew that there was no way they could be just friends.

Eric watched her and thought how nervous she was and he wondered if she still love him. Her bus came and she quickly said goodbye and walked away. Eric thought It was good to see her face again and he knew he had to get her back. She looked as innocent as ever. Her innocence always captivated him and he wondered if she was still a virgin.


Eric attended Tanya's graduation. Graduating high school was a big deal on the island.  Only the privilege or the very smart get to do that.   She was both.  Eric sat all the way in the back and watched Tanya as she walked up to the stage to collect all her special awards, then they called her to the stage and he realized she was the valedictorian of her class. He was so proud of her. She made a brilliant speech telling her fellow classmates not to let anyone decide for them what they can and cannot do and that they should believe in themselves.

Eric could clearly see that all her family members were present. Her father couldn't stop clapping. Eric could not stand the way the man kept all his girls on such a tight leash while he let loose his loser son to prey on unsuspecting girls. But then again, wasn't that the norm on the island? Girls were protected and boys , well not so much.

As the gathering broke up Eric walked away sadly. He thought about the plans they made. In another year they had planned to get married. He watched Tanya from a far, close enough to see everything, but far enough not to be seen. He watched as some guy came over to her and hugged her and Eric just couldn't watch anymore... the new man in her life, Eric thought.


That night Eric attended Sharon's annual birthday bash. He still couldn't get the picture of Tanya and that boy out of his head. Eric rode his bicycle over to the party. It was a stary night much like the night two years ago when they reunited. He suddenly got that weird feeling of déjà vu that often plagued him.

Eric was with a group of his friends when Tanya showed up and they all looked at Eric knowing fully the situation with him and Tanya. She was wearing a mini dress that fitted her very snug. His eyes went directly to her ass and everyone laughed.  She never looked sexier and Eric thought that she was maturing nicely and much to his taste. Her hair was piled high up on top of her head in its natural curly state and wrapped with a piece of ethnic material. He thought that she looked like a goddess.

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