Chapter 3. Promises Kept

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Eric was smitten, whipped if you will and he hadn't even touched Tanya, not even a kiss. For Tanya's fifteenth birthday he sent her a card with the following: 

"My dear Tanya.  I have  a great joy in my heart knowing that I have found  my way back to you.  Now I know what I have been missing all these years in my life , why I have been so listless, forever searching, forever wanting, forever needing.   It is  you my darling that have been  missing from my life.   I feel whole again.  My soul is whole again.  I promise to never leave you again.  I am glad you are now fifteen.  I won't feel like I am robbing the cradle.(smile)   Happy birthday my love.  Eric."

Tanya smiled at his card.  She recalled how devastated she was when Eric moved away. She  had just turned nine.  She  remembered missing him very much and wouldn't eat for days.  She would go to their meeting place by the river faithfully everyday to see if he would come out and play but he never did; he was gone. 

Chasing after Tanya had become a chore for Eric. He couldn't do it on foot or on his bicycle. That was so not cool, he thought. He needed a car. Eric kept pestering his father  for a new  car.  His father came right out and told him, no car, and  to drive the pickup truck.  His father said  he needed to see some positive changes in Eric's behavior before he would spend that kind of money on a new car for him.  Eric grumbled under his breath that his father should go to hell.  Mr. Willbrooks asked him what he said and Eric quickly admitted to saying nothing.  His father gave him one of those disciplinary stare that did absolutely nothing to Eric at that stage of his life. He had no choice but to drive the old truck but it was better than taking the bus to meet up with Tanya, he thought.   

Eric waited for Tanya  every evening after school.  Kenny like him had graduated high school too so Eric did not have to worry about Kenny seeing him with Tanya; one less worry, he thought. Eric always had something for Tanya to eat and  was always the perfect gentleman.  He offered to take her home, but she wanted to take the bus.  He would park his truck or his motor cycle and wait with her until her bus came.  He  tried to spend as much time as allowed with her, getting to know her all over again. 

As Tanya's  bus got close, he would kiss her on the cheek or on the forehead and say goodbye, then he stood and watched as her bus disappeared from sight. This was the routine for two weeks.  He felt at peace when he was in her presence.  He told himself enough pussyfooting around; it was time he made his move.


Tanya was asked by her friend Sharon  to come over to her house.  The message was delivered by Sharon's  brother  Will. When Tanya arrived at Sharon's house,  she hollered  for Sharon, but instead of Sharon, Eric and Will appeared from behind the house.   Tanya was taken aback.   She wondered what was going on. 

"Where is Sharon?" Tanya asked.  

"Inside,"  Eric said.                                                                                                                                                    

Tanya took a seat on the veranda.

"Could you tell Sharon that I am here," Tanya said to Will.  

Eric walked over and sat beside Tanya.  He admitted that  the  message was from him and not Sharon. 

"What are we doing?" Tanya asked.  

Eric thought he had better stop wasting time and come right out and tell her how he felt.  She looked somewhat nervous.  

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