Chapter 2. The Heart Knows

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Eric  leaned against   a coconut tree in the Lawson's backyard with a group of his friends, sipped his rum punch and rocked out to the music.  The music was blasting so loud, he could barely hear what they were saying, but knowing them, they were probaby talking about getting laid later.  Sharon kept staring at him; it was her sweet sixteen birthday party, but he had no interest in her.  His attention was drawn to the tall slim beauty standing right next to her. She had long never ending legs which he absolutely loved.  

The girl had her profile to him and Eric began to check her out.  He checked off all her best assets, perfect ass, not too big, not too small; it was just right, tall, and those boobs had to be at least a size D? He thought. Thanks to Jimmy, Eric was now educated on how a woman's breasts were sized. Eric thought this girl was just perfect in everyway.  Suddenly he had that feeling again of déjà vu, as if he knew her from somewhere. 'Where had I seen this chick before?' he asked himself.   And then she turned and looked directly at him and Eric almost had a stroke.  

An unusual feeling engulfed him like nothing he had ever felt before. That was the girl he saw at the game. She was right there looking at him.  Eric passed his hand over his face. Was he going crazy? He wondered. He quickly talked himself out of that scenario. 'Who the fuck is she? And why did she stir such a weird feeling in me? ...a feeling so alien but at the same time so familiar,' Eric wondered.   

Eric grabbed his pal Billy.  "Who is that girl over there, yellow shorts?" 

Billy busted out laughing.  Eric got mad at him.  "What the fuck is so funny? I asked you a simple  question."  

Billy laughed even harder.  "How could you  not know who that is?"

"What the fuck?" Eric said.  

Everyone joined in the laughter when Billy explained that Eric didn't know who the girl was. Billy told Eric to take a walk over and find out for himself. Jimmy laughed so hard everyone was now looking over at them. Eric couldn't understand what was so funny.  

'Why are  they giving me  a hard time about this chick? Am I suppose to know who she is? If I had  hooked up with her, I would remember?'  

Jimmy grabbed the cup from Eric's hand and smelled it.  

"What the fuck dude?" Eric asked.   

"Just want to see what you have in that cup," Jimmy said and they all busted out laughing.

"You have to know I am not afraid to approach any girl."  

Jimmy smiled. "Then go over and say hello."  Everyone laughed again.


Eric threw the empty cup in the garbage can and headed over to where the group of girls stood. Eric  had eyes for only one. She was stunning. He instantly detected an innocence that pulled at his heart. And that feeling of déjà vu crept over him again. He was struck speechless. 'Get a hold of yourself Eric,'   he told himself. Her smile held a clue to his past but he couldn't make the connection. 

"Cat got your tongue?" Sharon asked sarcastically.

'What a bitch' Eric thought.

"Hi," he said. All the girls looked at each other and bursted out in laughter. Eric looked over at his friends and they were in stitches just laughing at him.

Eric could not understand what  everyone found so funny. The girls he could understand, because they giggled at any and everything, but his friends? He did not get what could be so funny about him walking over to talk to a girl. Eric thought that he must be losing his sense of humor.  

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