T W E N T Y - T W O

Start from the beginning

Even Kian paused too, probably thinking what a hoe my mother was.

The door opened once more and we spun back to see Mom's head pop out. "I'm just kidding. Don't do anything stupid," she dragged the word stupid, gave us a thumbs up and closed the door again. With a loud bang as before.

Slightly bemused, I turned my face to Kian's--- who had an equally bemused expression on his face--- and then abruptly, we each doubled down in laughter, my humiliation earlier withering away slowly with each gasps of mirth.

"You've got a playful mom, Jamila. It must be fun living with her," he said after we were done laughing and was making our way to his car.

"Yes, very fun," I replied tentatively, still a little bit embarrassed as I slid inside his rosemary scented Audi. I was relieved he'd not made any snarky comments on Mom's outrageous statement, even though I'd expected him to.

"Well, what did you want to say earlier?" he asked, as he revved up the engine. His hands took their position on the steering wheel and he turned to me, his right eyebrow cocked.

There was no need now to mention my plan as I wasn't following up with it anymore so I told him, lying through my teeth, "Nothing, it seems I've forgotten."

Forgot my ass, good mind jabbed.

Kian cracked a sexy knowing grin at me, as if he knew I was lying and didn't say any other thing. Neither did I. He started driving, the slow throaty purr of the car, the only sound to be heard. I didn't bother to break the peaceful silence because I was lost in disturbing thoughts, pondering on what Mom had said.

Although she'd been joking, where on Earth had Mom gotten that idea from? The thought of Kian and I having sex was . . . well not to be thought about. I quickly turned off my thinking capacity in that area.

Shaking my head, I smiled into the darkness, even with all of Mom's eccentricity I still loved her to bits.


"We're here!" Kian exclaimed excitedly and parked the car in front of a large magnolia tree. He got out, walked to the passenger door and kindly held it open for me.

"Thank you," I murmured, tossing him a shy grateful smile as I took the hand he offered.

"You're welcome, beautiful," he drawled softly, gazing at me. I blushed and faced down, my heart racing a thousand miles. Kian had called me beautiful twice tonight and the both times he'd said it, I'd been filled with a mushy unknown emotion that made me feel all warm and toasty inside.

"Could you please wait here for a few minutes? I want to go get us our tickets," he said after an awkward moment of us staring at each other.

I nodded, too flustered to speak, scanning around as he veered off towards a red booth located on the right.

Kian had brought me to Cedar Point, a very large amusement park that occupied almost 365 acres of land. Although I've never been there before, I've heard stories of how magnificent and fun it was and seeing all the huge luminous structures now, had me thrilled.

I resumed my observation. It was a very noisy place, shrieks of laughter renting the air every second. A lot of people milled around having fun. They were mostly teenagers, all dressed up in pretty and casual clothes. A few were hooting loudly in laughter, while some walked about talking and whispering to each other in hushed voices. I could spot a few girls standing in a corner, eating huge pink fluffy cotton candies and feasting their eyes on something that had them giggling and sighing dreamily to themselves.

My eyes followed their line of sight to see what had caught their attention. It was a young couple who sat on a bench placed under another brightly lit magnolia tree. They were very cute together, the boy so devilishly hot and the girl hauntingly enchanting. But that wasn't why they girls were watching though, it was the fact that they were deeply kissing right in front of everyone and not giving a darn about it.

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