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Bellamy was conflicted on what to do. How could he explain everything to Clarke without putting the lives of his his family in danger? He couldn't. No matter what he did something could go wrong. It all depended on Clarke... And yet Clarke Griffin was the most compassionate and caring people Bellamy Blake had ever met. There was only one thing to do. Tell her the truth.

He makes his way across the bridge and into Alpha station, searching for the Griffin's quarters. Once found he knocks on the door, shaking in his movements. This will make or break everything he knows in a matter of seconds. But Clarke was worth it. To Bellamy she was worth the risk. They've grown so much in the short time together, and Bellamy couldn't imagine his life without her in it. Not now. Not ever.

Creaking slightly the metal door swings open revealing Jake Griffin, surprise taking over his feature. Within seconds surprise morphs into anger. He crosses his arms defensively over his chest, towering over Bellamy. The Blake gulps, suddenly more nervous than before.

"What do you want, Blake?" Bellamy flinches a little before answering, not expecting the harsh tone.

"I-Is Clarke home? I just wanna-"


"Mr. Griffin, please. You don't understand-"

"No, I understand perfectly. Whatever you did broke her heart. You're not welcome here, Mr. Blake." As if that was the end of the conversation he reaches to slam the door, but Bellamy stops it. He forced his hand on the doors edge before it shuts, his face red and eyes desperate.

"Its not what you think!" He has tears ready to spill. "Please... This is all a misunderstanding. I swear! I could never ever hurt her like that. Mr. Griffin..." Bellamy pleads, his heart breaking at the thought Clarke hated him or was hurt herself. Because of him.

"What happened?" Jake asks, still keeping his defensive demeanor.

"I was with a friend and Clarke thought it was something else. But I swear on my life it wasn't! I-" He stops, swallowing over the lump in his throat. The words he almost said lingering between the men. Jake picks up on it, his stance less tense.

"You what?" Bellamy sighs and shakes his head looking away. He never spoke the words aloud before.

"I-I love Clarke, Sir. She is..." He chuckles thinking about her, and Jake sees he's being genuine. "She's amazing and I-I don't deserve her. I really don't but she... she looks past where I'm from and who I am. Clarke is everything to me and I-I can't stand the thought of her hating me and not knowing the truth." Jake nod along before sighing, relaxing completely.

"She's at Medical with her mom." Bellamy sighs in relief, a smile breaking though as he starts to take off.

"Thank you!!" He yells out, then proceeds to run. Jake chuckles and shakes his head. He knew Blake was good.


As Bellamy reaches Med bay he opens the door with hesitation, looking around the room. He finds Clarke sitting down before she looks up meeting his eye. Almost immediately she looks away to stand, busying herself elsewhere. From across the room Abby sees her daughter's change in movement before her eye flutter to the door, tensing as she sees Bellamy. Word travels fast...

"Mr. Blake." He tries not to flinch as much at the reoccurring name, but it doesn't work. Either Abby doesn't notice or ignores it. "Can I help you with something?"

"I, uh...No I'm good.  I just came to talk to Clarke." Before Abby objects he stops her, still fighting his own tears "Her dad told me I could find her here."

Abby looks at him curiously, knowing Jake wouldn't tell him where to find Clarke unless something was different. Jake knew he needed to talk to their daughter. Abby sighs and nodding her head back, giving them privacy. Bellamy rushes his thanks before running over to her, only she doesn't stop sorting through the medicine to look at him.


"Leave me alone." He sighs as she pulls her elbow away. "Clarke...Princess please."

"No!" She turns to him then, a few on lookers in medical glancing at them, Abby too.

"Clarke just hear me out. Please! Its not what you think." She scoffs and turn away.

"So what? She's just a 'friend'? Really?" She looks at him in disbelief and he looks down at the ground below. Clarke makes an offended noise before turning away ready to leave, but he grabs for her again, a single tear down his cheek, and she halts.

"Please..." His tone is serious, scared, and low. "Let me explain everything." She doesn't know why but she nods, and they walk outside to the supply room.

He explains yes she is a friend and more, and Clarke swallows prepared for heartbreak or poor excuse he could give. But never in a million years would she have guessed the truth.

"She's also my sister." As the words sink into her mind, Clarkes eyes widen in fear and shock.

"What!?" He looks around and she lowers her voice. "Bellamy you can't have a sister. They'll-"

"I know, okay? I know." Another tear falls as his voice cracks, desperation filling his eyes. "But I can't let you think she was more than that. I could never cheat on you, Clarke. Ever!" Clarke has her own tears falling now. "I know what having a sibling on the Ark means. Hell you could go tell your mother now and get the council involved, but something tells me you won't."

"Bell... You know I won't. I would never betray you like that." Her voice cracks in realization at how dramatic and stupid she was. "I-I'm sorry I thought she was-" He cuts her off and pulls her into a hug, tight in his arms. She cries a little holding him just as tight.

"I love you too much to ever do that to you." And at this she freezes in his arms.

"You... you love me?" She pulls back and he chuckles, nodding his head as stray curls fall over his face.

"Yeah. I do." She grins brightly and pulls him down for a kiss, sweet and full of regret.

"I love you too." The smiles never leave there faces as the pull part, grinning like they were the last two people in space. "So... a sister. Do you think we could maybe meet properly next time?" Bellamy hesitates despite the smile on his lips. Clarke knowing about Octavia was one thing, but meeting her was another. And yet this is Clarke, there was no reason to hesitate. If he could trust her with knowing about his sister's existence why shouldn't they meet?

"You know what, Princess? I think we could make that happen."

Clarke grins from ear to ear before reaching out to pull down on his neck, their lips locking. What started out as a dreadful gap of secrets, ended with the closing of a new beginning filled with understanding and trust. 

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