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Only hours after staying at the Blake's quarters, Clarke knew she had to go home and Bellamy had a late guard shift to get to. It was inevitable she go home. With a quick goodbye to Octavia and a kiss farewell to Bellamy, she returns to Alpha station solemnly, her head hung low. It's there she sees her father and confronts him, the worry and pain of her father doing something so reckless taking a tole on her.

Jake Griffin should have known his daughter better, of course she knew about the argument with her mother. And he should have expected Clarke wanting to help with the plan.

"No! It's too dangerous!" Jake exclaims, knowing too well Clarke's stubborn nature was taking over. She shakes her head and looks down, not willing to back down on on this. They'll kill her father if he does this alone, and she couldn't bare that happening. "No, sweet heart." He embraces her as tightly as he can, and Clarke does the same. She doesn't want her father to be floated for doing the right thing, but fate has other plans.

Their front door is thrust open as a sea of Guard members flood their home, ripping Jake Griffin from the arms of his daughter.

"Dad?! NO! You can't do this! Stop!"  Several guards restrain Clarke as they haul her father away.

She rips  away front he guards and throws her arms around her father's neck, a whispered promise in his ear as their goodbye. "I'll warn them."

"No! You can't- Clarke-"

No time was left. He is dragged away from his home, out of the arms of his daughter, as the guards force him down the halls to lock up. His execution set. This is the day Jake Griffin will die. 

There was nothing Clarke could do, no where for her to go. The guards leave her in her home, collapsed on the floor as tears wrack her body in full, sobbing uncontrollably. Her mother wouldn't be home for hours and Wells was training cadets... And Bellamy was on duty with Miller.


Closing her eyes as she gathers her strength, the young Griffin rises to her feet and rushes out of her door. The tears have stopped as she willed them to, while her feet carry her down the halls further and further to where her mind remembers the Cadet to be. He was scheduled to over watch the bridge with Miller. 

In an instant the heart broken girl fled her quarters and ran from  Alphas stations halls. Her feet carried her down each corridor and through each door until she reached her destination, not once stopping as her eye saw the young man she was looking for. Bellamy.

"Bell!" He was talking to Miller on patrol when he saw her. And instantaneously his demeanor changed from relaxed to full on worry.

"Clarke?" She runs at him, arms thrown over his neck as she breaks down crying, her breathing as broken as his calm reserve. "Princess what's wrong?" He holds her against him, arms strong on her back.  She sniffs and weeps and he starts freaking out. Miller too. "Clarke, what happened?!" 

"I-Its my-my dad." She says between sobs, hiccupping into his shoulder. "He-he was arrested. Bell..." She holds him tighter and Miller cures under his breath. "They're going to float him!" 

"What?! Princess..." She keeps crying wetting his jacket, but he doesn't care. "What happened? Why?" She pulls back wiping her eyes and nose. 

"He was going to do something... something the council told him not to do." Her lip wobbles and a tray tear slips down. Bellamy reaches out and wipes it away holding her face in his hands. Grounding her attention to focus on him. "He was arrested for treason. They're floating him today!"

"Dammit!" He looks around frightfully thinking of a solution.

"Bell." Her voice cracks and he's immediately at her side, holding her head to his chest. "The guards came... the ripped him away from me." Her voice raspy and barley a whisper. "They held me back as they dragged him away. Bellamy." She turns her face in his chest, crying. Willing the rest of the world to disappear already, all troubles do mostly when she is held by him. Saying his name brings her some peace.

"Shh its okay. I got you." he thinks for a moment, looking at Miller he shrugs, but his anger is very evident. "Come on, Princess." She looks confused as he pulls back.

"Wh-what? Where are we going?"

"You deserve to talk to him one last time, Clarke. To see and remember him properly. Not... not them taking him away." She sniffles at this and he takes her hand pulling her with him.

They rush to the room they know where people get floated. And Clarke immediately rushes in. Her sight set on the man standing to be floated away into space


"Clarke?" Abby comes over to her, holding her back with her hands on her shoulders. "You shouldn't be here! You don't need to see this."

"No! Dad!"

Guards intervene as Bellamy enters, hoping to help Clarke. Wells notices and tries to help Bellamy and Clarke, but the guards keep them at bay. Jaha gives them permission to let her pass and she jumps on the chance. Jake lifts her for a moment and hugs her tight, Clarke doesn't want to pull away. And yet they have to.

Jake takes off his watch around his writs and places it in his daughters palm.

"I want you to keep this for me. I love you, kiddo." His tone cracks as he pulls Clarke in for another embrace. One filled with love and pain. She holds with all her strength before they pull apart, and Jake steps into the pod.

Jaha gives a guard a short nods and he takes the order. The first set of doors to the pod close as the button is pressed, and the second opens up into space The man's body is sucked out into orbit, then, and Clarke collapses to the ground. 

"Oh my- Oh my god.. Dad! No no no no" She breaks. Abby held her until she fell, crying on her own. Bellamy pushes past and gets on his knees holding her to him, her knees on his laps and head on his chest, as she cries.

Jake Griffin was gone.

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