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Two weeks pass by since Octavia had been arrested. It was horrible, what happened, but now that Clarke was out of solitary at least the two friends could see each other day by day. Even with the secret out no one knew Clarke was aware of the second Blake child's existence- and it had to stay that way. There was no need to add another charge to her case. It wasn't likely they would let Clarke live beyond her trial, so she makes the most of the time she has in skybox. To make things better, today was visiting day. She would be able to see Bellamy one last time before her 18th birthday. It wasn't a guarantee he would be there for her trial, so it was best to have as much time with him as she could; even if it was only thirty minutes. 

Its been far too long for her liking since she's seen him, the days blending together, one bore after the next. Even with Octavia and Miller, it just wasn't the same without Bellamy. It was always visiting day Clarke looked forward to. It was the happiest and most inspirational days of all. But today would be the furthest from what she had expected it to be...

Her cell door opens and reveals two guards, their weapons'' drawn and ready for anything. There was a small device on the first man's hand, and Clarke knew instantly what this was. Her execution day. Her eyes glide over to the weapons the guards possessed as they step closer, and she steps back. 

"Prisoners 319 hands behind your back and face the wall."

"What is this? I don't turn 18 for another week! I still get a trial."

"We won't ask again. Turn around and face the wall." The second guard steps into Clarke's personal space and reaches for her left wrist- the one with her father's watch- and pulls. 

"No! It was my father's!" 

She retracts from his touch and steps back once more, but the pair continue to move in. They  crowd Clarke and surround her, ready to take the watch and replace it with the wrist band before restraining her. What they didn't expect was for her to fight back and slip past them. She slams her cell door behind her and frantically looks both ways for an escape. She wasn't going to die today. Not without seeing Bellamy and getting her trial. Something wasn't right.

To the left and right, as well as the lower levels, prisoners were being taken and cuffed from their cells. No one person was left behind. What was going on? Are they all being executed? Is there less oxygen than her father predicted?

"Clarke!" She knew that voice. The young Griffin swivels around and spots the one person she wasn't expecting to see. The woman was holding out her hand, a sign for the guards to stand down.

"Mom? Wh-whats going on? I'm not 18 for another week! W-Where's Bellamy?!" She looks frantically but only finds other delinquents being shoved around and forced to have a metal bracelet placed on their arms. 

"Clarke you're not being executed." At this she stops and truly looks at her mother in the eye. "You're being sent to the ground."

 And just like that Clarke Griffin's world shatters. Earth. Radiation. Alone. Bellamy... 

"No. No! Its not safe! The radiation will kill us. Mom you can't-" 

"I don't have a choice, honey. Its this or you'll be floated and I can't-" Her words fall away between them. The silence saying more than words. "You'll be fine."

Tears threaten to fall as Clarke hears her mother's words. Today she was suppose to see Bellamy, and now she was being sent to her death. To the ground. If he wasn't coming today then did that mean..? Clarke looks up at her mother and asks the dire question from her mind. She knew that if he was aware of what was happening he would have been here to say goodbye. Bellamy would have done everything he could to see her one last time. Wouldn't he?

"Where's Bellamy? Does he know?" Abby sighs and doesn't meet  her daughters eyes. "Mom! Does Bell know?" 

"I'm sorry, Clarke, but he can't know." Clarke's chest rises and falls rapidly as panic begins to set. She'll never see Bellamy again... "Honey no one can know until we're sure its safe! Once we have the information we need-" 


"Clarke-"Abby grabs her daughters arms to calm her down, but it was no use.

"You can't do this! Mom please!" Clarke pulls away from her mother's grasp. 

"We don't have a choice. I wish there was another way." 

"This will kill him. You know it will!" Abby looks away. "Mom please! I need to see him." 

"You can't. I'm sorry." A tear falls over her cheek as Clarke breaks down. She nods towards a figure behind her daughter, and a pair of arms hold Clarke from behind.  

"No. No!" She pulls and turns in his grip, thrashing every which way possible to free herself from this nightmare. But it was no use. As the guard held her from behind, a sharp pain shot through her neck, and before Clarke knew it her world went dark.


As the dark turns to light Clarke blinks to adjust to the new lighting. It was less hash than her cell an skybox- it was low and soft- yet something was off. With a groan the young Griffin lifts her head and blinks away the pain as she shifts in her seat. Wait, seat? Her eyes fall downwards and land on the restraints keeping her seated to a row of chairs with other delinquents. She didn't recognize the girl to her right, and yet the face to her left makes her heart stop. 

"Wells?!" Her best friend from child hood was here, on the dropship, on his way to certain death. He starts to speak but is interrupted when the dropship shakes and lurches forward, detaching itself from the Ark. Their home.

"I found out what my dad and the counsel was planning for the prisoners, so I got myself arrested." Clarkes stares, eyes wide, while her brain registers her best friends confession. 

"Well's what-" A large movement throws them around, scaring most others. The lights flicker as full power kicks on slowly "What did you do?!" 

"It doesn't matter. I came to make sure you were okay. Ever since your father..." Wells never finishes his sentence, still furious at his father for floating Jake griffin.  Clarke understands the silence and gulps. 

Wires spark as the dropship is thrown let and right. Seeing as the dropship was over a hundred years old it was taking it sometime to fully kick in and follows it path. Clarke clenches her harness tight a she closes her eyes, the dull screams of the others surprise and fear drowning in her thoughts. Not a day passed by where Clarke didn't think of her father, why he was floated, and how she could have helped. He did what she could to avenge him, to finish his work, but it led to her own arrest and so much more suffering. And now she was here, in a hundred year old spaceship flying towards a planet they may kill them all in a matter of minute. 

To think that wasn't what concerned the young woman the most. She was here, leaving the only home she had ever known, along with the people she cared for. Her mom, Jackson, and Bellamy.  Bellamy... her heart and home. The one who centered her and kept her safe and sane. And now her home was gone, and so is her heart.

"May we meet again." She murmurs, the only words her heart sings as she closes her eyes. Her vision filled with dark messy curls, a shining grin with a face full of freckles, and a heart of gold.

*One chapter left for this story! It may be a few weeks before the Series is posted but I promise there is a sequel to this fic :) Enjoy and let me know what you think in the comments!*

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