First Meeting

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Medical bay is busy and Doctor Abby Griffin is all over the place with helping the sick and wounded while Jackson is helping with the more serious injures. A sudden fire from Factory station had resulted in many in need of immediate medical assistance, forcing med bay to be filled to the brink. Several assistance and 3 more doctors were ordered in on their days off to help with the occupancy, and it still wasn't enough. 

Clarke, Abby and Jack Griffin's daughter, had come to stop by to see her mom, but only meets the med bay hustle. She should have known it would be a chaotic mess today. There was no way she would get free time with her mother, but it wasn't like Clarke had much more to do for the day anyway. Maybe she could help out. She scans the room and finds a familiar face, one that knows her past with assisting in Medical emergencies.

"Jackson! Mind if I stick a hand in? Help out." The young man who was rushing in and around the Med bay stopped and smiled gratefully at the young Griffin. She was always welcome to stay and hang around, even occasionally help when the medical station was slammed.

"That would be amazing. Thanks Clarke!" Jackson rushes off to help another patient, leaving the blonde to her own facilities. 

Clarke looks around and sees a boy needing help, not too much older than her she notices. Dark hair curling at the ends, his olive skin peeking out of his clothes. A guard uniform on. He must be a cadet she thinks. Clarke goes over to him and sees a cloth wrapped around his hand, part of his jacket burned as well.

"Hey." She smiles at him, grabbing his attention. He halts all movement and stares at her. "Mind if I take a look? I'm more experienced than you think. Trust me."

 She thinks he is hesitant because of course he would, she's only 16, but eventually he nods and moves his hand from his chest down to his lap. He needs to get seen and no one else was around to help at the moment. Clarke holds his hand and unwraps it, biting her bottom lip as she does. He keeps staring at her while she examines him, then stops at hearing her voice. 

"Can you take your jacket off for me? It looks like the burn is stretching upwards. I need to see the whole thing to treat it." 

He nods at this and does as she asks, but he struggles. She notices and leans over to help, they're closer than she thinks, and his sudden intake of breath startles her for a moment. Once the jacket is off she kneels down in front of him to take a better look. 

"So, what's your name?" He doesn't answer for a moment, making her look up expectantly. He freezes again as their eyes meet, and the air seemed to shift.


"Blake? Is that your first or last name?" She isn't rude or demanding, instead her tone is light and kind. 

"Uh, last." She nods before stepping away and coming back with supplies. 

"Well mister Blake, your burn isn't too bad. It looks like its mostly first degree, which will heal fairly nicely. Some areas are second degree which isn't as great. But it will heal with the proper treatment." She stands and grabs a bit of ointment to place on his hand and arm. "I'll check with my mom on how much to give you to take home, but this is what you'll use. You'll have to also keep it loosely wrapped to help with pain and covering up the blisters." 

He nods at this following along, though not quite meeting her eye anymore. He was mysterious, that much Clarke could see. And quiet too. Maybe he was nervous about being in medical? Clarke sighs internally at that thought, hoping she could get through to him. Most people didn't like Med bay, but it wasn't so bad if you had someone understanding and nice. Clarke was no stranger to the horrible doctors Alpha station had produced, so she takes it upon herself to make sure people see that not everyone is bad. In fact, some were kind, good even. Everyone was a human being and deserved that much respect. 

"Any questions?" She asks while applying a bit of ointment to his hand and wrist. 

"You said you're mom?" Well she wasn't expecting that. Clarke chuckles nervously and shakes her head. 

"Yeah, Doctor Abby Griffin." Clarke tilts her head in the direction of the woman in question. "She runs the medical bay basically. Its how I know so much." The freckled boy nods but says nothing else. "So.. Blake. How do you feel? Any more burns or injuries?" 

"Bellamy." He says, and she smiles a little at that. "And uh, no. I'm good." 

"Right. One sec and I'll go see the rationing with the ointment." Bellamy nods and watches her go. 

"Hey, you all good here?" Jackson appears by his side. 

"Yeah uh... she helped me." He looks over to Clarke and Jackson smiles. 

"She's good isn't she?" Bellamy smirks and nods, not being able to help it. 

"Yeah." Jackson laughs and walks over to the next person, leaving Bellamy to watch Clarke walking back. 

"Alright, so here you go. Use it twice a day, but don't coat it on, that won't make it heal any faster. Trust me. Also here is a little more wrap to use and replace this one later on, unless you'd prefer to come back and have someone else help you with that. Its no problem if that's what you want, I know some don't prefer coming back though. But-"

"I think I'll just come back. If that's okay?" Clarke stops rambling and grins brightly, taken back by his smirk. Maybe she had gotten through to him, at least a little.

"Yeah. That's no problem." Bellamy stands and shakes her hand. 

"Thanks, Princess." She chokes a laugh at this. 


"Uh sorry I didn't mean-" She laughs cutting him off, and he returns the sentiment.

"Its okay. More my fault really. I'm Clarke." She lifts out her hand again and he smiles, shaking it with his free hand again.

 "Nice to meet you...Clarke. Thanks again." 

"No problem." She smiles, making his breath catch. They stare for a bit before a throat clears from behind them. 

"Hey Clarke, a little help here?" Jackson smirks at them.

"Oh! Yeah, s-sorry." She rushes over to help Jackson with someone else and Bellamy stands by watching for a few moments, a ghost smile never leaving his face.  

When he leaves he feels his heart pounding. Who would have guessed the Ark Princess would be so... nurturing. It was nice.

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