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(Note: Octavia is 14 in this)

After Bellamy leaves the Griffin quarters and heads back home to Factory station, he couldn't seem to hide the smile on his face. Clarke, however, seemed to be making that a habit. She somehow always made Bellamy laugh or smile and t stuck with him for the rest of the day. Tonight was no different.

When Bellamy opens the door to his home, his little sister, Octavia, notices the plastered smile on his face. She sees he is happier than usual, which causes her confusion. Sure Bellamy isn't a grump all the time, but seeing him like this was strange.  He came home later than normal as well, which was also different...She points it out, questioning him, but he brushes her off, and yet the girl was persistent. 

"Come on, Bell!" She drags out, clearly taken with the topic. She was bored, clearly, and gossiping with her brother was her only entertainment at the moment. "Were you at a party?" Bellamy glances her way, annoyed, but nods. Technically he was; a birthday party nonetheless, but a party. She gives him a pointed 'I need more information than that' look, and he sighs. 

"Yes, O. I was at a party with a friend. It was her birthday so-"

"'Her birthday?'" She repeats back, and he nods, confused. That's just what he said why parrot his words. What he didn't know was he was still smiling.

Octavia gasps, as if she discovered something no one else has before, and bites her lip to keep her excited scream. Bellamy gives her a strange look, curious as to what she just thought of, but turns away. Let her be her crazy self. This is Octavia after all.

"Oh my God Bell!" He looks confused and looks at his little sister, taken back, but all she does is grin. "You have a girlfriend?!" She jumps up and down then and he chuckles nervously.

No Clarke was indeed not his girlfriend. They were just friends. Right? Yes, just friends. Bellamy shakes his head at the idea of them being more. No she would never go for it. She's way out of his league anyway. 

"Knock it off, O. We're not dating." He says, but she ignores him and starts chanting around the room.

"Bellamy's got a girlfriend! Bellamy's got a girlfriend!" 

Bellamy groans loudly before reaching on the table to grab a book, The Iliad. He sits backdown and glares at Octavia prancing around, singing her chant repeatedly, while trying to focus on the book. But it doesn't work. The younger Blake jumps beside him and pokes him, her grin wider than he's ever seen. 

"What?" He asks with frustration, making her laughs. 

"Bell has a girlfriend!" She says, and he throws his head back closing the book. Octavia laughs and jumps away before he could retaliate, and she chants all over again. 

The only time she stops is when the door to their quarters opens and in step their mother. Aurar Blake looks at her children, an annoyed son glaring at his sister, while a excited, Octavia stands there getting ready to burst.

"What'd I miss?" Octavia jumps up and down again, surprising Aurora. 

"Don't you dare say it." Bellamy warns but his little sister gives him a teasing look before smiling and squealing quietly. 

"Bellamy's got a girlfriend!" 

"Octavia!" he exasperates, covering his face in his hands. Aurora looks at her son, eye brow lifted. 

"Oh really? Do I know her?" 

"Mom! Come on." And she just chuckles, sitting down next to him. 

Octavia keeps singing the phrase. 'Bellamy's got a girlfriend' over and over, she's super excited, clearly. Aurora smiles at her while nudges her son. The thought he was seeing someone made her happy. Perhaps not as enthusiastic as her daughter, but happy.


"We aren't dating, okay. We just...hang out sometimes." He blushes. 

"Hangout, huh? Is that what they call it these days." Bellamy groans and his mother laughs.

Aurora teases good heartedly and Bellamy eventually spills the beans. They weren't dating, he makes that clear, and they are friends. She helped him after he got burned during the fire and ever since then they've crossed paths a couple of times. Today he went to her birthday party and that was that. Aurora gives him a pointed look, knowing that wasn't all, and he sighs. 

Bellamy wouldn't be lying if he said he liked Clarke, because he did. But the truth was they're form different worlds. He tells her she's from Alpha station so it would never work out, which shocks both Blake women. 

"Alpha station!?" Octavia stops chanting in complete shock. 

"Yeah but she's not like the others. She's kind, compassionate, helpful, smart... beautiful." He mumbles the last part and his sister laughs. 

"He's in love with a girl from Alpha station! HA!" Aurora give Octavia warning glare and she quiets down. They didn't need to bring unwanted attention to themselves. It was illegal for anyone to have more than one child, and if anyone were to come in and see Octavia... it would result in horrible consequences. So the young Blake simmers her excitement enough to not draw attention.

"You never know it won't work unless you try. Have you asked her out yet?" 

"No" he mumbles. 

"Then go for it, Bellamy. If you like her and enjoy spending time with her, take the leap. Ask her out. You won't know unless you try." He sighs and slumps his shoulders. His mother did seem to have a point.


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