Loss and Love

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Three days, that's how long Clarke Griffin's world was flipped upside down. Three days is the amount of time that had passed since the execution of Jake Griffin. Even with so little time passing so much had changed. The Jaha's were less public than normal, Abby Griffin had stayed at home less and less each day, and Clarke was left alone. Of course Bellamy had stopped by when he could, but the young Griffin was never the same. 

She was quiet, distant, and pale. Her eyes were brimmed red with dried tears, and she wasn't eating nearly as much as she should. Bellamy takes care of her every night he comes over, sitting with her on the couch, holding her close to his chest, or simply laying with her as she sleeps. Some nights she wakes in a pool of sweat, screaming for her father to come back, but he never does. He can't. Maybe she should have never seen Jake Griffin floated, but then again not saying goodbye would have hurt as well. There was no winning in this situation. All Bellamy could do was stay by her side and hold her together.

She hides her emotions mostly throughout the day, but Bellamy knows better. Particularly today she is stoic and all together more out than normal. He would consider that a good sign had it not been for her continuous distancing and barley meeting anyone's eye. 

 It's because of this he brings her home with him. It wasn't as if Abby would care or notice the long absence of her daughter anyway. She was practically living in Med bay at this point.

Clarke doesn't say no or try to stay home, in fact it's the opposite. She nearly melts in Bellamy's arms as they walk to his quarters in Factory. When they arrive Octavia comes out or hiding and sees Clarke. She gets excited at first, only to frown when she notices the young Griffin upset. Before she could ask what was going on, however, Bellamy shakes his head and has Clarke sit down on the couch beside him.

She starts sniffling and he lays down, having her over him, her head on his chest listening to his heart beat as she lays between his legs.

Confused the younger Blake looks between her brother and his girlfriend, a worried expression on her face. He cant explain right now, so it's best to let the subject be. Octavia senses this and nods, then grabs the Iliad and offers to read.

More than an hour passes like this, Octavia reading aloud while Clarke clings to Bellamy, sniffling quietly or hugging him tight. But the comforting silence was interrupted when the door opens. Aurora Blake enters the door, shocking the teens in the room. She was home far earlier than expected.

She freezes on the spot as she sees Octavia out from hiding and a girl she has never seen before. Bellamy sits up quickly and  carefully as Clarke sits up as well, pulling away.

"Mom! Hey..." He stops to stand and move slowly towards his mother. The woman not moving an inch. "Mom this is Clarke. Princess, this is my mother Aurora." The woman looks with wide eyes at her son, and cautiously at the young girl beside him. The new comer in her home with her second child not hidden from view. 

"It's okay, Mrs. Blake, I won't tell anyone. Ever." Aurora fights back tears as she looks at the young woman, seeing only true honestly. Octavia smiles a little and nods, assuring her mother everything was okay.

"I believe you." Clarke attempts to smile and reaches out her hand for formality, this was the first introduction after all, however, she does the opposite. Auroras takes her handing her own and shakes it, but surprises the young girl by pulling her in a hug. "Now tell me what's wrong." Clarke pulls back then and gives her a curious look, then glances at Bellamy who shrugs.

"She has a knack for knowing when something is bothering people. Mother's intuition she says." Octavia mumbles and Aurora rolls her eyes. 

"Exactly right. Now... are you okay?" Clarke sniffles quietly, glancing away as she nods, but Bellamy calls her out. 

"She's lying." 

"Bellamy." Clarke glares and he gives her a pointed look in return. They both knew she was upset and she wasn't okay, but  even with denying it everyone could see the truth. But Clarke Griffin is a stubborn woman. He opens his arm to shrug and she stands her ground, arms crossed. 

"I can see why you like her. Stubborn and strong willed. Beautiful too. And yet... not keen on on blabbing about her business." She looks to Bellamy with a not so sublet glance. "She's a keeper." 

"Mom!" Clarke smirks a little at the praise and Bellamy's sudden flustered state, but knows by the look on the mother that she wasn't out of the clear yet. 

"Come. Sit." The two woman take seats side by side on the little couch as Aurora clasps her hands in Clarke's. The blonde doesn't quite meet the woman's gaze, only making the mother worry more. Aurora talks to Clarke, attempting to coax anything from her, comfort her in any way she can, and that's when the tears she help back finally fall.  "Oh sweet heart..." 

Aurora hugs her close, and to both Bellamy and Octavia's surprise the young Griffin melts in Aurora's hold.  Clarke finally mumbles the explanation she could. Short and simple. "My dad was floated." 

What Bellamy and Octavia don't hear is the confession of Clarke saying it was her fault he was gone. Aurora embraces Clarke and murmurs its okay, that it wasn't her fault, rubbing small circles on the girls back to simmer her down.  She tells the girl in her arms she's welcome anytime and to never hesitate to speak on what bothers her.

When they break apart Clarke stands to leave, but Bellamy grasps her hand in his. Clarke nods silently, saying it was she was okay to go home. He offers to walk her back, and for a moment he thinks she'll resist, but instead she agrees. Clarke steps outside for fresh air while Aurora pulls her son back for a private moment.

"Watch out for her, care for her, Bellamy." 

"I know, I will." She shakes her head. 

"I'm serious, son." At her serious demeanor Bellamy stops, curious, and listens to what his mother says.  "Girls like that... their too stubborn for their own good at times. She just lost her father and isn't opening up about it. Sooner or later she's going to break. And you need to be there to pick up the pieces. Before anything gets worse or she acts on impulse." 

He freezes on the spot as the words sink in. His mother was right of course, Clarke was all that and more. But would she do something stupid? She's going through a tough time right now but she knows the consequences of being reckless on the Ark. He shudders at the thought and glances towards the door again. A veil of understanding and new found protectiveness burning through his core.

"I'll always be there for Clarke. Always." Aurora smirks knowingly and pats his cheek. 

"I know. A man in love can't resist protecting the woman who has his heart." 

His eyes nearly burst from his sockets as he hears this and it doesn't go unnoticed by either Blake woman. Octavia couldn't help the laugh that rose from her and it instantly catches his attention. Bellamy glares her way but Octavia is unphased. In return she she sticks out her tongue. He glares pointedly in her direction before stepping outside to take Clarke home.

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