New Beginnings

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This wasn't a dream- nor a nightmare- this was reality. To think having her father stripped away and locked in away wasn't hard enough, now she was being sent to her death among 99 other delinquents. Her home, her reality, everything she knew was stripped away in a matter of seconds. What was meant to be a normal day had turned into the worst of her her life. Earth was simmering in radiation for the last 97 years, and there was still three more generations to be born before they could safely return. 

Now she was in space, a dropship that was a hundred years old, hurtling towards a planet that would likely kill them all once they've landed. Forcefully taken from her mother, her friends, and Bellamy. He was her other half, her home. The one stable thing in her life that kept her sane through the chaos that unfolded after her father's death. And now they were torn apart forever- and they never got to say goodbye.

Clarke can her stomach flip and turn at the thought that she will never see him again. What will her mother tell Bellamy? He was suppose to see her today after weeks and weeks of waiting... and now she may never see him again. Tears swell up in Clarkes eyes and she tries her hardest to keep them at bay. 

"May we meet again." She mumbles under her breath as the turbulence jerks the dropship aside before they free fall into space towards the plant their ancestor's once called home. 

As if matters couldn't get any worse, several delinquents unbuckle their seat belts to float in zero g. One floated amongst the air and several attempted to join him, but Clarke acted quickly and convinced them to stay in their seats. Most of them that is to say. Once they hit the atmosphere the gravity will return and those unbuckled will fall or die. None of which she wanted to  happen, but those too stubborn to listen to reason found themselves falling through the air and into the walls as the dropship jerked roughly to the sides. Seconds feel like hours as the dropship hurtles towards the ground below, the parachute barley taking affect on those inside, even with it in use it felt as if they were free falling towards Earth. However, as soon as it started, it stopped. For once there was no machine hum filling the silence of the air. It was simply that- silent. 

Many unbuckle themselves form their seats and make their way down stairs, but not Clarke. Instead she stays behind and quickly rushes out of her seat to asses the damage of the ones that were thrown in landing but finds no pulse. They were gone. She sighs deeply before forcing herself to stand. There was nothing she could do for them now but push forward. She shoves down the rising bile as she hears a loud commotion down stairs. Someone was going to open the doors. Quickly she climbs down the ladder and hops down. As she turns around she shoves her way through the crowd to stop the man in the guard uniform. The one who was about to pull the lever and open the door

"Wait! The air could be toxic." As she say this the man in slick dark hair turns around, a playful smirk on his lips. 

"If the airs' toxic we're all dead anyway, Princess." 

"Bell?!?" She gasps. Bellamy smiles  ear to ear as she jumps into his arms. "Oh my God! How-" 

"It doesn't matter." He mumbles into her hair. 

"Should have known you'd find a way on the ship." The young couple pulls apart and turns to the voice beside them.

"You really think I'd let you two stir up trouble on Earth? Not a chance." Octavia smirks and embraces her brother tightly, glad to finally have him back.

"This is nice and all, but maybe open the door?" The group of three turn and find an old friend standing with what he was showing as an annoyed expression, however, Bellamy and Clarke saw right through him.

"Yeah yeah, hold your hat Miller." Both men clap each other's shoulders before Bellamy takes his step towards the door, his hand grasping the lever. With one look over his shoulder and a reassuring smile from his Princess he pulls the lever down.

Octavia is the first to set foot on the ramp, the crisp fresh air hitting everyone like a tsunami. "We're back bitches!!" 

Clarke and Bellamy laugh as the rest or the teens swarm  outside the dropship and onto the ground. They are free. For the first time ever the people of the sky meet the green flourishing ground. A grin makes its way across Clarke's lips as a pair of hands wrap around her waist from behind. She smirks at the feeling and leans back as lips gently press on the side of her neck where it meets her shoulder. 

"You ready to take on the world, Princess?"

 "With you by my side? Always." Bellamy grins widely, the feeling tickling Clarke's neck. She turns in his arms as their noses brush, face to face. He cups her cheek tenderly and leans down to press a passionate kiss to her lip and holds her up by the waist. She giggles whole heartedly when he sets her down. "So where do we start?" 

"Wherever the hell we want."

I Choose Youजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें