Not So Alone

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Clarke knew after her visit with Bellamy that it would be a while before she saw him again. Abby had to have pulled a lot of strings to make the visit happen in the first place, let alone a second time. But Clarke knew that if her visit was the only one she could get, then that was okay. She was able to see him, hug and kiss him goodbye one last time. Whether or not she is floated in a month or not doesn't matter. What matters most is that Bellamy is safe, Octavia will be able to have fun and make friends, and every one is okay for now. Maybe they can fix the oxygen system before it fails completely. Maybe after she's gone Bellamy can live a a full life and move on... He deserves to be happy. With or without her.

She shakes the depressing thoughts from her mind as she continues sketching on the wall of her cell. Minutes turn into hours before her guard enters to give her her lunch rations, at least that's what she expected- only that was far from what happened next.

"Prisoner 319, stand and turn around. On the orders of the council you have been released from solitary confinement on cooperative behavior and compliance. On this order you will be removed from this cell into another. However your interactions with other prisoners will be limited and all conversation supervised. Is that clear?"

Clarke blinks away any shock and nods at the guard before he steps aside. She takes a few steps forward, hesitant to eave her cell. Is this real? Was this actually happening? As she took another step she looked down and saw the other prisoners below, lining up for their lunch rations of the day.  She finally makes her way to the stairs descends the steps and looks around, her heart begins beating against her chest, her breathing falling deeper into her lungs. She was around people again! Just as Clarke stopped forward to make her way to the line a familiar figure to her left caught her eye. No, that can't be... Wait....

"Miller?!" Just as she says the name the mans turns around, leaving her to gasp and divert her path towards him instead of the line. 

"Hey blondie! They finally let you out of your cage? I gotta know though what you did to get in solitary. Because that is pretty badass if you ask me!" Clarke audibly scoffs with a glares before shoving his shoulder to the side, which he smirks at. "Seriously though, how you holding up?" 

"Why are you in here?" She fights back a smile and ignores his question, and it doesn't go unnoticed either. But he moves on with the conversation at hand. Besides if they talk more he could actually find out if she was doing okay or not. 

"Did something stupid and got caught." 

"Right..." She squints, not fully going along with what he says. He was being honest, yes, but not telling the whole truth. However ,Clarke doesn't pry just yet. Instead her gaze moves to the side as movement catches her eye.

The guards nearby have been watching Clarke interact with Miller the moment she rushed his way, and the longer they talk the closer they shift by. She tries to hide her annoyance and discomfort, truly she does, but knowing they were watching her like a hawk and being so close kept her tense, very tense. Enough for Miller to notice. She knew what they were doing, listening in to make sure she doesn't say anything she shouldn't. Clarke's a big girl, she knows the rules for being out of solitary, keep interactions small and never approach the subject that led to her arrest.

"I guess you're not too free yet, are you?" 

"Not really." She mumbles, glancing at the guards. "Does Bell know you're in here? Is he okay? Have you talked to him?" Miller smirks knowingly, lightly laughing at all of her top speed questions. 

"Slow down, Clarke. This isn't twenty questions, okay? And yeah he's doing fine right now. He came by yesterday for a visit." He eyes the guards then her. "He's worried sick about you, you know." 

"And you too, now" She mutters and he chuckles. 

Everyone around them was beginning to move more swiftly, all waiting for their rations to be served. So, rather than being in the way Miller and Clarke find a table to sit down in across form one another. If Miller was here as well Clarke could only imagine the amount of stress Bellamy was under. Come to think of it Bellamy never told her Miller was arrested last week during their visit. But why? Then again it wasn't as if Clarke could be much comfort or do anything about it, but she wondered why he never spoke up then.

Miller was a nice guy. He was laid back, funny, and a loyal trust worthy friend. He knew Bellamy for a few years so they go way back. They have a foundation of friendship and trust, and Clarke knew she could trust Miller. However she also knew he would never do something insane or unthinkable to get arrested. So why was he here to begin with?

"Hey, I didn't plan on getting caught stealing but it happened. At least now someone can keep an eye on you and out of trouble. From what I hear you don't have to go in solitary as long as you follow the rules, so, I'm here to make sure it stays that way." The young Griffin raises a brow in response. Not only was his crime very small, but he claims to be here to protect her. He couldn't be serious right? 

"Seriously?" Miller shrugs lazily with a grin.

"Get use to it Griffin." She huffs annoyed and kicks him lightly under the table, making him laugh. "Keep that up and you won't have my protection." She tosses him an unamused glare, knowing full well that was a lie. 

Miller and Clarke were friends, maybe not as close as he was with Bellamy but they got along well. However she knew he wouldn't et himself arrested on purpose to protect her. It was far too reckless nd risky; but he was best friends with Bellamy. If anyone could see the light in a dark, horrible, situation it was Nathan Miller. He knew exactly what would happen once he was caught. So he's using the best of his situation and focusing on keeping himself, and Clarke alive and out of trouble. For Bellamy. It was because of this Clarke knew Miller was lying when he suggested he wouldn't be there for her.

"I call bullshit on that one, cadet." He chuckles and shakes his head. 

"Not a cadet anymore." She shrugs nonchalant. Even with that being true he was a man of his word. If he promised Bellamy something he would do it. It didn't take a genies to figure that out. 

"Still, you're lying."

 "Maybe, maybe not. Best if we don't find out, huh?" At this Clarke truly laughs. 

"As if you wouldn't hold up your promise to Bellamy?" Miller's teasing smirk falls and huffs with defeat.

"Alright, alright, fine. You win."

 "Ha!" She points victoriously with a smile. 

"Shut up, Griffin." Even as he says this Clarke knows it it wasn't ill intended. The two friends wen to get their rations and proceeded to sit where they once had, chatting good heartedly until time was up and they had to return to their cells.

Clarke may not be happy that someone else she cared for was in danger, but it was nice knowing someone else had her back on the flying space prison of sky box. Even with Bellamy being in her life he wasn't there with her at all times. But now she wasn't alone anymore. Here's to hoping they both survive passed their 18th birthdays...

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