Rock the Boat

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Its been 3 months since Bellamy and Clarke had move forward from being friends. Three months since their date. Nothing but a time of bliss if you were to ask either one. Everything between the two was grew swiftly, and they worked together as a couple more than they would have imagined. It was second nature, and that was a rarity on the Ark.

Bellamy's birthday was coming up soon and Clarke, being ever the planner, decided to surprise him. They've grown much closer in the months following their date and status change. He knew Clarke's favorite foods and hobbies he's while she knew his favorite books, mythology God's, and how he spent most days when off guard duty. However they didn't know everything.

Seeing as she wasn't sure where he lived exactly, she made a quick stop to Miller whom she knew was on guard duty that day. He gave her his room number and directions to it. Thanking the stars Clarke smiles gratefully at her new friend and walked through Factory station until she found the Blake's quarters. It didn't take her long to find her destination, and when she did she knocked quickly before opening the door.

"Bellamy? I wanted to-" Clarke stops mid sentence upon seeing him close to another girl. Both freeze in horrific shock. The girl is sitting on his lap, head on his shoulder, given her quick reaction she jumps away and stands, staring in horror at Clarke. Bellamy on the other hand pales instantly but still stays seated, unsure what to do in that moment.

"Clarke?" He chokes out. She stares at them before taking a step back as he steps forward, her eyes widen as her lips part slightly in a quiet gasp. "Wait, okay. Its not what you-"

"Sorry." She interrupts, swallowing down the heartbreak. "I didn't mean to interrupt... something." She glances at the girl before looking at Bellamy again, her light blue eyes glassing over with unshed tears. "I just came to give you this." She hands over a box. "Happy Birthday. I'll see you around, Cadet Blake."

Clarke hands it over before disappearing completely down the hall, her movements swift. Bellamy is in complete shock for several moments before he realizes what she said. 'I'll see you around, Cadet Blake.' Her voice cracked as a tear slipped away. She called him Blake and not Bell. Oh no...

He rushes to put the box down and run after her. "Clarke! Princess wait!" But when he reaches the hall she's long gone.


Clarke runs as quickly as she can from the room and away from Bellamy, holding in the tears before they could escape. Only moments pass before they fall, leaving her to hide in the nearest room she could find. The scene replays in her mind over and over again. Bellamy with someone else. Clarke would have never imagined it possible. And to top it off she was the complete opposite of the young Griffin.

The young girl with toned skin and long dark hair contrasted greatly with Clarke's pale skin and light blonde hair. Why was he with her if he was playing a game? Was Clarke even his type? Why ask her out all those months ago only to do this?

Clarke's mind whirls with endless questions and fears as her sobs rack over her body. She buries her face in her arms crosses over her legs hugging them tightly to her chest. A familiar figure opens the door and kneels in front of the blonde, trying to reach through.

"Clarke? Hey! You okay? What's wrong?" Wells asks frantically, reaching out to her. Clarke shakes her head, unable to find her voice.

How could she explain what she saw? After everything that's happened between her and Bellamy, the growth and feelings shared, only to discover this? It was too much. How could he do this? Why?

Rather than speak her mind, she cries freely, hiding her face again. Ever the friend he always was, Wells sits beside her, arm draped across her shoulder, tucking her into his side. Whatever it was the making her cry broke her heart and there was nothing he could do but let her know he was there.

Wells isn't sure how long they sit there, but he knows he has to leave to speak to his father on an important issue regarding engineering. By the time he stands to leave, Clarke had simmered down, causing him to take the hint she'll be okay for now. Mostly. Jaha junior leaves his friend and makes his way to Medical to find Abby, informing her of his odd discovery. A crying, hiding Clarke no less, was a large concern, and the Griffins needed to know.

Abby sends word to her husband immediately, knowing she couldn't leave med bay in the state it was no matter how much she wished she could. When Jake Griffin heard the news he arrived home early, waiting for his daughter to return home.

Not nearly an hour had passed before Clarke had arrived, head ducked down as she walks inside. She makes her way towards her room, but her father calls out to her. Reluctantly she stops.

"Clarke, come here please." 

She sighs, almost making it to her room, but turns around anyway. Her dads tone leaving no room for argument.  No matter how hard she tried she knew resisting would be no use. As she steps closer, Jake rest a hand on her shoulder, grabbing her attention, yet she keeps her head down.

"Clarke look at me. Please." She sniffs and does as asked. Immediately he sees her red puffy eyes and tear staining cheeks. "Baby... " He holds her to his chest and she chokes back a sob. "What happened? What's wrong?"

She cries a little before stuttering. "B-Bellamy." He pulls back and looks very confused.

"Is he hurt? What's going on?" Clarke looks down and shakes her head.

"No! He- he-" She cries again and Jake holds her in a tight embrace, one hand rubbing her back and the other holding her head.

"Shhh I got you. Its okay." Whatever happened Jake knew she was shook. Clarke was never an emotional person, not even as a child. Sure she had her bumps and bruises, but she took it like a champ, she was strong. Seeing her like this... He knew it was worse than he thought.

Something wasn't right.

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