Turning Tables

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Aurora leaves early in the morning for her work shifts, while Bellamy stays later on to get ready and take care of Octavia. Not much is said between the siblings as the older of the two mindlessly gets breakfast ready and dresses silently for his shift. Not much happens now to then, that is to say until Bellamy leaves his quarters to start the day.  As he leaves for his guard shift, he spots a familiar face... Abby Griffin. The look in her eye was obvious she didn't have good news. Bellamy keeps the sigh to himself as he leads her down the hall to speak. The less people that hear the better. 

"It'll take some time, and it will be difficult, but you can see Clarke in 2 weeks."

"Two weeks? But-"

"It's the best I can do right now, Bellamy. What she's done..." Abby stops herself from saying more. No one can know what her daughter does. Its too close to playing with fire.

"What'd she do? Please, Mrs. griffin-"

"I can't say. I'm sorry." She looks around them before saying, "Be ready in two weeks, okay?" As soon as she appeared, she was gone.

With a quick shake of his head, Bellamy tried to not think about the encounter. However it was much easier said than done. When he arrives on duty for his shift, Miller notices something off within moments of being near his friend. Bellamy was never this off put and stiff, so he knew something was wrong.

"Hey man, you okay?" Bellamy huffs a laugh. Every keeps asking him that.

"Just perfect." And Miller looks at him wearily. If he was looking like this then he didn't know yet. Bellamy sighs and explains. "Clarke was arrested last night. I can't see her for at least two weeks" Miller is visibly shaken.

"Wait what!? Clarke? Arrested? But-"

"I know." Blake interrupts and rubs a hand over his face. He couldn't deal with this anymore at the moment, and luckily his friend could tell.

"This is crazy." Miller mumbles and Bellamy couldn't agree more. The two relapse into silence as a comparison from afar draws their attention. A fight breaking out. With a shared glance the two make a move to stop the ruckus. Today was going to be a very long day...


When his shift ends, Bellamy returns to his quarters in factory station, slumping against the couch. Octavia gets up from the floor to find him aloof; depressed even. She sits next to him, placing a hand on his shoulder, and massages a few circles. Normally the younger Blake wasn't as comforting or affectionate, but she knew her brother needed some uplifting after the day he had yesterday.

"You okay there, big brother?" Bellamy shifts in his seat, leaning forward and running his face down his hands.

"Honestly, O? No. I'm not. Abby says I can't even see her yet and that's for at least two weeks." Octavia stops and pulls away to face her brother.

"Two week?! Why so long?"

"It's not everyday someone from Alpha station, of all places, gets arrested. And she's not just in skybox, she's in solitary. With Clarke's mom being on the council... It just makes things more complicated."

"Wait solitary? Why lock her away by herself?" Bellamy gives no answer because he has none to give, so he simply shrugs in response. "What the hell." Octavia curses, looking down at the ground.

"Tell me about it." Bellamy groans before leaning back.

"Clarke's strong, Bell. I'm sure she'll be okay."

"But for how long? The council almost never pardons someone. Ever. And if they don't let Clarke go-"

"Think about it, Bell. You said so yourself that her mom was on the council. If Abby has any amount of influence then she could save her daughter's life! Come on, she's got this. Besides, whatever Clarke did couldn't have been that bad."

At this Bellamy shakes his head, thinking back to Clarke's behavior for the past several days following her dad's execution. She was distant, tense, and it felt like she was hiding something. She came to their quarters almost in the middle of the night without saying a word, as if she was upset about something without being able to explain. Then her dad got arrested.

Things were having up but Bellamy couldn't understand what it all meant. Then all of a sudden he hears from Abby herself, that Clarke, his Clarke, was arrested that morning. Not only will she be confined, but alone. How was Bellamy supposed to react? What was he supposed to think? The girl he loves was taken an he didn't even know why. Clarke could die and he could do nothing about it.

"Bell! Stop it." Octavia shakes her brothers shoulder, knowing the internal hell he was putting himself though. "Clarke will get out of this, okay? None of this is your fault. Once you see her then ask her what happened. You'll get your answers then. But now? You need to stop beating yourself up about this. Clarke couldn't want that and you know it."

With a sigh Bellamy slumps back against the spongy cushion, mulling over his sister's words. She was right, he knew it, but somrhjng just didn't sit well with him about the whole ordeal. The only thing he could do was wait. For now.


Days blend together as time slowly moves forward. Each day the same as the next. Bellamy does his normal routine: Wake up, feed Octavia, and get ready for his guard shift. He leaves his quarters to find Miller, but oddly enough he was no where to be found. The only Miller he could find was Senior. Strange... "Mr. Miller? Sir?"

The older man turns to Bellamy, his face dropping. Something was definitely wrong here. Nathan Miller was many things, but a no show was not one of them. Again Bellamy inquires the older mans name, curious as to where his partner and friend was. But what the Millers father says next shakes Bellamy to his core.

"Nate won't be coming to join you, Bellamy." Bellamy looks confused and around them, but no Miller junior.

"Why? Is he okay?" Mr. Miller takes a deep breath, his eyes dropping as he speaks once more.

"He was arrested last night for stealing."

Without another word, the young man leaves the room and finds himself visiting skybox. When a fellow guard inquires Bellamy's reason for being here, he asks for the person brought in last night. Nathan Miller. With a nod of understanding Bellamy is let in. You've got to be fucking kidding me! Bellamy thinks as he stomps through the doors and to the room he was directed in for visitation. It doesn't take long for Miller to be brought in himself. Once seated, Bellamy crosses his arms and glares across the table, his anger and frustration boiling to the surface.

"What the hell were you thinking!?" Miller raises a brow and leans back, mimicking Bellamy's own position.

"Well first of all, I already had this planned, although getting caught wasn't part of it. Secondly someone needs to keep an eye on your girlfriend." Bellamy shakes his head then. Almost at loss of words at this point.


"No man. It's not like you can be in here. You have your mom to worry about. I got Clarke, okay? She'll be fine."

Could things get any worse at this point?

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