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(A/n only 6 more chapters till the end of this book and I will work on book 2!)

A lone wind blows through the field as the sound of metal on metal can be heard as Zoro and Mihawk clash blades back and forth a deadly dance of blades. Tashigi is facing me backing away to guard from my blade strikes i'm not a master like Mihawk but I am rather tough to beat in swordplay.

Leaping back Shigure slices past my nose as I bend backwards spinning low to the ground my blade sweeping across the grass tips a spark of light as I thrust the blade inches from Tashigi's cheek as I turn blocking Shigure again as we continue back and forth.

Mihawk wasn't having too much trouble blocking Zoro who was using powerful but rough movements no pattern just wild swinging he must not be focusing on this battle. "You'll never beat me like this" Mihawk says as Zoro grits his teeth around wado ichimonji he knows that his temper is very easy to trip especially with Mihawk for some reason Zoro himself can't understand why though.

"____!" Hawk-eyes calls as I don't even turn jumping back blocking Tashigi once more as I stand back to back with Mihawk as he states "You two will fight us today if you lose we will no longer train you and if you win you'll be your own masters" Zoro and Tashigi look surprised a ultimatum if they can't beat us we can't train them but if they win they won't need our training anymore a truly difficult situation.

Back to back with Mihawk I feel my breathing still as my blade hums both of us turn eyes almost glowing as haki coats our blades time to get serious. Zoro moves first his blades slashing in his Tiger Hunt however Mihawk blocks as I move to slash his side but Shigure comes just in time to guard. "Thanks" Zoro mumbles as Tashigi retorts "Just keep yourself focused and calm" the mosshead snorts but does slow his attacks down to make them more focused on a point.

Spinning in a circle my blade sends blue and whit slashes while Mihawk swings his blade larger slashes of green and purple following as we move pushing the two back they won't gain any ground purely on defense. Zoro sees this taking the risk of letting one of the slashes touch him to start his Tricholism as Tashigi seeing what he's doing get's behind him low to the ground as Zoro slashes foward.

Mihawk seeing the attack crouches as I move jumping off his back into the air my blade in both hands I bring it to the ground a huge wave of earth and dust pushes against Zoro who slashes through most of it his blade is about to reach my body when Zoro is halted where he stands Mihawk glares down his blade in the ground completely blocking Zoro from reaching me.

Sensing a incoming attack I turn but it's too late Tashigi has her blade to my neck it's a stand still with me and Zoro at killing point or so it seemed Mihawk doesn't even blink as I kick up my leg hooking it around Tashigi's arm pulling her down as I move blade pressed against her throat as Mihawk moves his blade out of the ground also holding Zoro at kill point the table has turned with Mihawk and I as the victors.

Seeing Tashigi bite her lip in frustration I feel bad feeling the battle is over I withdraw my blade sheathing it as I extend a hand as Tashigi accepts it standing up. Mihawk allows Zoro to get up he looks away in shame as both of us sigh Mihawk and I share a look as I speak up "just because we can't teach you doesn't mean you won't get strong on your own, we taught you to better yourselves now it's your turn to find your fighting swords style" Zoro and Tashigi blink before the meaning sinks in.

"That's right when we were students ourselves we learned what our masters taught us before training on our own to find our swordsmanship" Mihawk continues as to demonstrate Mihawk makes one slash that parts the cloud and the water in it's path before I stand up slashing my blade parting the water and air as well however where it blew past snow and ice followed underneath it's path.

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