Doctor check up

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"____ wake up" a voice whispers as I blink rubbing my eyes I turn spotting Drake sitting up I yawn as Drake pouts climbing over to check my forehead as I feel a bit dizzy as Drake says "You feel warm wait here i'll go get Law" I sigh leaning back a dull head ache targeting my body guess all the court stuff made me exhausted inside.

Waiting patiently on the bed I watch as Drake runs back in hand gripping Law's waist as the said boy wearing the same hoodie from the photo shoot but with the symbol now on the front as well gives me a dissaproving work as he checks my temperature with a thermometer sticking it into my mouth before pulling it out frowning pointing at the numbers 102 degrees farenheit.

"Idiot you have a fever" Law whispers before turning to Drake saying "fetch me a towel and a bucket of cold water and some Ibuprofein pills please Drake-Ya" Drake nods rushing out of the room to fetch the requested items while Hawkins walks in with Kid and Killer suprisingly as they sit around my bed. "Hey ____ can we keep you company?" Killer whispers softly as I nod sitting up slowly as Law glares at me in this condition as I chuckle coughing saying "I'm not dying Law" he rolls his eyes but lets me sit up so I can face the boys better.

"Well while i'm being treated and in bed rest how about watching a show of my choice?" I ask as I receive simultaneous nods of yes as I grin taking out my laptop from my bag on the floor scrolling through Anime before landing on one in particular I grin showing the screen to the boys as Kilelr tilts his head saying "Soul Eater?" I nod this show I watched when I was young and I enjoyed it the comical humour and the powers of both weapon and meister!

Pressing play on the first episode Kid sits to my left,Hawkins on my right and Killer crawled onto my lap as we watch the show while Law seems exasperated once Drake enters with the items before he sets them down joining the group by climbing onto my back. Kid seems really impressed with Soul and his scythe design while Killer says "I want a weapon like that!" I smile ruffling the blonde hair as he turns to me with a smile as Law moves carefully not to hit anyone with a elbow as he presses the cold cloth to my forehead.

"It's fine to watch but give ___ some space" Law commands as Drake climbs down so I can lean back not loosing the cold cloth instead hugging my side from the right as Hawkins scoots over giving him room as Law sits to my left as Kid moves to sit laying down right in front of the screen but leaving space for the rest of us to be able to see the anime.

Intently watching my screen none of us move as Maka fights the Kishin as we groan when he stabs her pinning her as she turns back to her meister form the scythes receeding. "Aw come on and it was just getting intesne!" Drake complains as Killer nods in agreement as Law asks "Why is it that Death the kid only became over powered when his stripes became symettrical can OCD really do that too you?" I sweat drop along with Kid watching Law trying to adjust his bangs perfectly as I giggle behind my hand as the Hawkins rolls his eyes but secretly watches all of our silly antics.

Feeling a bit better Law checks my temperature and sees that it went back down to normal as I grin jumping out of bed saying "YOSH NOW FOOD!" running down stairs the boys all blink confused at what just happened but than some stomachs start to growl as they hurry downstairs realizing since we finished the Anime Soul Eater we didn't eat anything yet.

Sliding into the kitchen I open the freezer taking out frozen Ramen it's something new I haven't tried before setting water into each bowl I than microwave each one as the boys sit down at the kitchen table patiently.The microwave dings as I take out the bowls now warm and hot sliding the bowls carefully I beam saying "Dig in!" the boys take chopsticks or a spoon to eat the dish it's actually really good nice chicken broth,with slices of chicken and chives and the noodles absorbed the liquid nicely.

"This is good!" Law and Hawkins breathe as I grin sucess the picky eaters like it! Kid and Killer nod mouth full of noodles as I chuckle before noticing Drake already finished with a sheepish look before he burps as he blushes as I chuckle with the other boys. Once all the bowls are empty I grab the dishes setting them in the sink as the boys scurry off to do their seperate things as I smile stretching my arms abovem y head hearing a couple satisfying pops here and there.

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