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(A/n this is Marco's POV of their childhood meeting)

Today had been a rough day for Marco his friend Thatch had gotten beat up by thugs who jumped him alone and Marco had lost his cool sending the men flying with almost mortal injuries that would never heal. The young boy had wandered the streets aimlessly he always felt his shadow was judging his every move like everything was out to get him if Pops hadn't saved him that one day he'd be dead he owes whitebeard his life.

Walking along the pier Marco tapped his heel every now and then his sandals hitting the wood today was the same empty pier no one ever came down here not with the threats of being robbed and raped by dirty low lifes hanging around this side of town but honestly no one approaches the docks anymore since it began to decay being older than most buildings in grand line city.

Hearing the sound of rapid footsteps Marco hid behind a wooden post on the pier as he watched the girl curiously making her way to the edge of the pier he notices the boards cracking as his body moves before he could think grabbing the girls wrist yanking her away from falling into the cold water below. "Woah y-you saved me thank you" the girl bows her head rapidly thanking as Marco couldn't help but feel annoyance build up what idiot comes down here it's dangerous didn't her parents tell her to stay away?

"Idiot didn't your parents tell you to stay away from this DOCK!" Marco yells as the girl flinches hiding her face with her hand in fear as Marco feels guilt set in he didn't mean to snap at her today was rough is all. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to shout at you todays been rough" the girl looks through her fingers before saying "Want to talk about it?" Marco felt surprised he was a complete stranger but she wanted to listen to him rant? Either incredibly naive or stupid probably the former he shrugs saying "Sure so this is what happened" Marco felt him release all his pent up emotion and frustration feeling relieved by the time he finished.

The girl had listened to every word he said giving the most hilarious reactions and he started to notice things how she bit her lip in concern to how she was annoyed by his brothers for doing stupid idiotic things to how her eyes shined at the heroic action of Pops even though she didn't know he was a mafia leader he couldn't tell her who he really was. "What's your name?" she asks Marco shook his head saying "I can't tell you but how about we call each other by our favorite animal?" the girl nods wanting to be my friend it's sad she must not have friends if she'll befriend a street kid like me.

"My favorite is a bird a phoenix to be percise what about you?" Marco states as the girl thinks saying "I like cats oh I know you'll be Birdy!" Marco didn't like how childish it sounded but the smile and warmth in the girls eye at him being her friend melted something inside him he felt like he needed to protect her because if something happened to her he'd never forgive himself. "I like it then i'll call you cat" Marco replies as the girl lights up nodding before spotting something behind him Marco turns spotting a shadow fleeing he moves quickly pinning the fleeting shadow which turns out to be a raven haired boy.

"Get off me" the boy states his voice low and promising pain Marco presses his heel into the boys back saying "Why were you watching us!" Cat had cautiously approached before recognizing the boy. "Birdy stop he's a aquantaince from the daycare I live at!" Cat calls as Marco reluctantly move off the male who standing Marco realizes is more intimidating and powerful than he originally thought a possible threat if he didn't know Cat.

"Since your not using your real names Cat our guardian told me to come find you let's go" the boy scolds as Cat looks sad turning away crossing her arms saying "No Hawks I will not leave I finally made a new friend why would I leave?" the boy who's now named Hawky in Marco's eyes scrutinizes the boy who's piercing yellow eyes indeed reminded him of a hawk. "Cat we'll get in trouble staying out past our curfew plus it's dangerous and you shouldn't go making friends with every stranger you meet!" Cat looks ashamed as Marco feels a urge to stand in front of Cat as he says "I suggest you leave can't you see your scaring her?" Hawks looks at Cat and she's looking at the ground not saying a word Hawks sighs before backing away.

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