The bitter truth

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Today is crowded with almost all the kids present today I will tell them some of my story and try and not hide anything anymore.They may hate me push me away or leave and never come back and that is a risk i'm ready to face now. "Drake i'm scared I don't want to mess things up" I choke out tears forming as Drake moves to my side gripping my arms making me look him in the eye as he says "___ calm down i'm here and i'll be here every step of the way" I nod silently as I take a deep breath in and out before stepping into the living room with a shaky grin as the kids give a wave or hello in greeting.

"Everbody I have something to tell you,this is important and may change how you see me forever" I call out as the chatter stops as they all turn to me but before I can speak I sense something dangerous with murderous intent I gasp as a hole forms on my stomach I cough up blood saying "Get back" the kids look in horror the supernovas attempting move forward but their friends hold them back. Drake and Law cry out as a deep sinister laughter is heard "Blackbeard you bastard" I weakly cough out as the man appears from shadows the power of the dark dark fruit allowing him to land a serious fatal blow.

"Drake you know what to do" I whisper as he nods transforming T-rex mode pushing the kids out of the living room however Franky, Iceburg, Zoro along with Ace and Sabo stand actually prepared to fight. "You gave us quite the scare when we tried to kill whitebeard but now your weak especially with those brats on the line,I know what if I tried to kill them,or better torture them an d force you to watch snow leopard or should I say MISS WINTER the reason for the Rock Gang Massacre!" I see the boys stop moving eyes wide in shock the rock massacre was the strongest gang of pirates that included Whitebeard,Linlin,Kaido and several other powerful figures now these days it was also the battle Roger and the navy teamed up to fight in.

"SHuT UP DoN'T YOU DaRE FUCkING BRiNG ThAT SHiT UP!" I growl deep and threatening as Ace starts to shake in front of him isn't the kind ___ that always helped him prank his brothers or take care of him when Pops couldn't. Iceburg and Franky have shadows over their faces this creature it's hard for them to grasp the truth however Drake and Law run in stopping when they see the large black creature with silver glowing spots large claws digging into the floor of the daycare.

Peaking from the corner Luffy feels his eyes widen as he spots the creature that was once ____. No that can't be her she's not a monster ___ is good,sweet,caring and a good listener she feeds him,plays with him,stands his pranks and silly antics "_____ DON'T GIVE IN!" Luffy shouts all eyes sliding to the strawhatted boy who glares tears pricking his eyes as the beast turns yellow slitted pupils locking onto his own terrified pupils as the beast moves Ace runs over flames sparking as he grabs Luffy saying "Don't come any closer you monster!" the beast stops hesitating but moves as Ace grits his teeth shooting flames hitting the monster but it doesn't stop moving past the boys teeth sinking into the man who drops his gun screaming in pain.

Ace and Luffy look in fear and shock the beast had protected them with the two boys distracted Blackbeard uses his shadows grabbing Ace as Luffy cries out "ACE NO!" Drake and Law move at Luffy's scream Drake pushing Luffy back as Law uses room to swap Ace with a book that gets destoryed where Ace would have been. Hearing the scream the beast whips it's head around when suddenly something lands on it's back rearing up claws meet the ground a wave of cold air blowing through the daycare as frost forms on the floor.

"____ IT'S ME ZORO PLEASE CALM DOWN!" Zoro shouts holding on tightly trying not to hurt the beast of his friend as it slows it's thrashing down Blackbeard who recovered from his surpirse strikes out with black tendrils only to have a Ice barrier coat the beast in armor stopping the tendrils from piercing the fur.Luffy is in shock his mind processing how Ace nearly died if Law hadn't saved him and how his friends are watching scared to _____ who's not entirerely there he barely even notices Drake dialing the numbers of the warlords during the chaos.

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