The best brokers

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Today is Friday no kids to watch,so I decided to let Drake go over to Law's place for the day after the two bonded yesterday and indeed Drake told Rocinate to text me a picture and Law had adopted a baby polar bear cub and he named it Bepo. Sitting here in the daycare was lonely by myself so I texted Crocodile if he was doing anything today and he said he was free and that I could come over and visit. Huffing I stand moving to my closet taking out a white butterfly sleeved shirt and some black dress pants slipping on some black sneakers before nodding at my look in the mirror before turning to head out to Crocodile's mansion.

Pulling into the large entrance the guards waving me in I park my car in the large garage Crocodile owns stepping out of my car the said man strolls over his golden hook shining as he looks more like a mafia boss than a attorney.However i'm pleasently surprised by the man trailing behind the man "So the Crcodile and Flamingo are here" I chuckle as Crocodile gains a tick mark turning to the Flamingo man saying "I didn't expect him to come bothering me about teaming up again" I hide my smirk behind my hand as Doffy whines saying "So rude every time" I secretly ship the two of them together.

"Well come on we shouldn't wait out here" Crocodile barks out grabbing my wrist with his hand and quickly pulling me past Doffy who laughs "Fufufuf being cold you wound me" Crocodile flinches but continues as Doffy walks placing his hand in mock offense against his forehead saying "Oh what should I do my partner in crime is mad at me!" Crocodile huffs in annoyance when Doffy suddenly moves taking me from his grip as he spins me around before saying "Well i'll just take ____ as my partner instead" I smile at the man who looks down at me his shades and their unique pattern glinting in the light as Crocodile silently fumes.

"DON'T MESS WITH HER!" Crocodile growls as he pushes Doffy back tugging me into a tight hug as he whispers "I've known you since high school i'm not letting that bastard touch you" I pat his hand in comfort leaning up to stare into his eyes whispering "Crocodile let the accident go I was hurt I admit but it's not his fault" Doffy looks down actually seeming guilty during our high school years I was the student council president and Doffy had played a prank with his friends that ended up with me in the hospital when I tried to intervene.

"He doesn't know how to restrain himself" Crocodiles spits out glaring Doffy who sighs before speaking "I know you won't forgive me but i'm really sorry and I never did anything like that again!" Doffy tries to reason with Crocodile as I continue patting his hand as I say "Please forgive him he's not all bad" Crocodile eventually loosens his hold on me saying "Alright once chance but if you hurt ___ i'll end you myself" Doffy smiles nodding happy his longest rival and frienemy is on good terms with him again they were having gang fights for years now together.

Once the conflict is over we walk through the halls of the manor Crocodile watching my expressions as I awe at the banners and admire the dessert plants that are growing inside the mansion. Spotting a tiny cactus I pick up the pot carefully examining the plant as Doffy looks bored turning to Crocodile asking "This is so boring can we discuss business already?" I place the plant gently down before picking out one of hte needle like apendages from the cactus chucking it with my thumb and forefinger into Doffy's arm as he hisses in pain Crocodile gives me a small smile before grumbling out "Fine let's head to my office" I walk between the two acting as a barrier between the mafia gang heads.

Entering the large room I move to sit on the couch it's soft and comfortable Crocodile smirks sitting down in his desk chair as Doffy sits across from him smirking as well. "So the sandman was recently seen attempting to steal my payment from the Tenryubito?" Doffy starts off as Crocodile calmly stares not giving away any truth or panic to this news.Stealing from another mafia boss is a offense and if the moeny came from a Celestial Dragon were talking millions or billions of Beri that was stolen.

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