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(warning kinda long chapter more than usual written here because i'm taking advantage to make more romantic-ish scenes. Also very useful tip the longer a chapter probably means i'm making a event to make Reader closer to one of her love intrests! P.S if you wish to know who reader ends up with it will be written in the second book!)

"Oh that looks pretty" I comment observing the stand today is the weekend and I decided to spend the day with my partner Lucci who was asked to look into a case of dissapearing Mink citezens from Zou in Wano district so here we are. Speaking of Minks Dogstorm and Catviper who filled the request to investigate the missing minks each sent a member of their forces to help us so Shishillian and Pedro are joining us.

"It's a part of our custom thank you for helping us Garchu!" Shishillian says cheek pressed against Lucci as Pedro does the same though begrudgingly as I chuckle since both Lucci and I are cat zoans we smell familiar and friendly to the cat minks. "I trust ____ however this man smells very suspicious and doesn't seem to friendly" Pedro says cautiously being skeptical like usual to deter any conflicts I cough saying "Hey how's carrot doing?" Pedro immediatley backs away from Lucci who breathes in his own personal space thankful for the distraction as Pedro and Shishillian inform me of the rabbit minks training progression.

"She makes a great Kingsbird!" Shishillian praises as I smile I met her once when Luffy was at the daycare the two had fun playing tag though the minks electro gave Luffy's hair a do over becoming a afro a hilarious sight to see. "Shishillian is a lion,Pedro is a jaguar,Lucci is a leopard and i'm a Snow leopard" I explain as Pedro nods before spotting something placing a hand on his rapier I turn hybrid point as Lucci sighs transforming as well all four of us listen carefully to the people in the nearby alley way.

"Those stupid animals didn't see it coming how many tranquilizers do we have left?" one thuggish male probably no older than 40 gruffly says as a younger voice probaly a teen maybe 17 stutters out "s-sir we have 5" I hear what sounds like a slap as a body hits the ground "5 that's not enough we need to catch 8 more if we're to get payed you better get more stupid brat" my ears twitch in annoyance as Lucci gives a nod words passing through eye contact as Pedro and Shishillian seem lost.

Tapping my paws in a rhythm I toss some pebbles into the alleyway as Lucci and I dissapear in sync leaving Shishillian and Pedro standing in shock as I move grabbing the tranquillizer case as Lucci moves kicking the older male in the face into the wall crushing his face as I move grabbing the teens waise and jumping onto the roof. "Let me go I didn't mean to hurt them I swear!" the boy yells as I take a closer look as I frown saying "Cavendish what are you doing here?" the blonde drag queen looks shamed when he sees me.

"I may have been kidnapped after Hakuba dumped me god knows where" Cavendish spits out as I sigh the alter ego of Cavendish was a prone troublemaker that I helped track down on multiple occasions how he has resisted for so long shocks me. "So he's not the criminal we're looking for than let's go" Shishillian speaks up worried about the tranquilizers they had enough to kill a mink if all of it was injected into their system it's cruel what humans would go too against other races.

Pedro moves helping Cavendish up saying "Go home and don't let anyone catch word of what happened" Cavendish bites his lip nodding before turning to me saying "I don't know exactly what's going on but their base is located somewhere near Toto land on the border" I nod thanking him for the information as Lucci jumps from dealing with the thug grabbing the case he takes the darts out breaking them in his bare hands before tossing the case down. "Let's move forward" Lucci whispers as I nod jumping I grab Pedro while Lucci grabs Shishillian as we head toward Toto land.

Landing on top of the roof I gasp when it breaks underneath as the three males quickly jump down avoiding destroying the freaking pastry roof Big Mom I hate you for making your buildings so fragile but at least they taste good chomping on a bit of the ginger bread Pedro and Shishillian scrutinize my action before realizing indeed things are edible here in Toto land that normally wouldn't be.

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