(Special) growing up

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(A/n May make a second book continuing the child adventures through highschool or as adults! Tell me if you want more stuff like this?)

Years pass slowly or quickly depending on the person experiencing the moment in time but for me it was a mixture of both I can't believe that my young fledgelings and sweet kids are now independant and responsible sorta teenagers and adults! Sighing I comb through my (H/c) locks looking in the mirror my face hasn't changed besides looking more defines as i'm older now in my mid thirties.

"____ come on!" Drake calls from downstairs as I turn yelling "JUST A MINUTE DRAKE!" turning to my wardrobe I pick out a dark grey dress with silver highlights on the bottom as ruffles.Once I changed into the dress I walk downstairs my black flats comfortable for this event as a large crowd of people greet me once I reach the bottom as I scan the crowd taking in every ones appearence.

Urogue had grown strong like a beast his once small wings grew bigger and more powerful and he developed quite the facial hair and rugged monk style. Bonney was still a glutton but her figure devloped and she became a women a tomboy women and she was proud of such a title choosing a life style of glamour and food.

Scratchmen followed a musical and reckless aptitude for causing havoc laying down musical trends and beats while growing his hair out and donning a headset wherever he went.Capone Bege had made himself a underground head honcho and found himself solace as a father figure for his gang and devolped a stubble and habit of being tough on the outside to strangers only letting those close enough to him see his true heart.

Drake had become more strong both mentally and pyschially being able to think level headed in any situation and calm fights between others without provoking them further.Hawkins had become nearly 100% accurate in every reading and often received requests to reveal chances or incidents that would happen however he didn't care for it instead finding people who had similar intrests to him though he keeps himself detached from anyone outside of those he had known for so long.

Zoro had become a looker as many females would agree though he still was dead set on swordsmanship challenging strong foes and defeating them catching up to Mihawk as much as he could.Luffy had not lost his childish innocence and ability to make others rally with him unknowingly and even gained strength rivaling some of the strongest the world knows.Killer had become secretly I do say so the perfect type of responsible reliable man,Killer could calm a raging Kid and always aplogised when in the wrong and held a certain understanding of others point though he could be smug and rude under certain circumstances.

Kid had matured though held even more rage showing a level of dominance others sometimes hated or respected while also gaining a metal arm after a accident he decided to not let anything drag him down from his goals. Law continued studying medical pursuit of knowledge showing potential as a doctor,after training with Rocinate he wields a blade and more experienced attacks that leave enemies in shock and fear though his attitude is still much like that when he was a child.

"You all look so grown up i'm so mixed about feeling overjoyed and sad" I tell them honestly as Bonney moves over grabbing my hands swinging me in a circle saying "____ cheer up we don't like you being sad,were only here today because of your kindness and our love for you!" the other males nod in agreement as Apoo pipes in "You helped me like my music when no one else would take the time to listen!" he makes a DJ motion spining a invisble track grinning with a thumbs up at me.

Urogue moves with Bege stepping closer saying "When we were alone you came to stay" Bege scratches his arm saying "you supported my choice and gave me advice and connections" the two though being more distant still held respect for me. Slinging a arm around my shoulder I stumble from the power Luffy exhibits laughing out "Shishishishi ____ will always be our friend!" I chuckle twisting hugging Luffy who is now taller than me by a good couple or more inches.

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