"Thank you," You smiled at him, making him smile back and walked away. You sat down and gave Twig a piece of your meal.
"Looks like we may have a chance getting out of here Twig, and when we do, it's off into the Wulong Forest for us," You smiled, holding him up.

"Makes you wonder where we are since there's no windows here,"


You felt footsteps on the floor, vibrating the ground and making you yawn and wake up from your nap.
"What time is it?" You mumbled as you turn your body to face the door. You stood yourself up and looked out the hole to see two Helmsmen walking down the hallway.

But there was a bald boy in yellow and orange clothing and a blue arrow on his head. You tilted your head as they were in front of your cell.
"So, I guess you've never fought an Airbender before. I bet I can take you both with my hands behind my back," He said.

"Yo! Little bald boy, you're an Airbender?" You asked. He turned and looked at you.
"Sure am, I'm Aang," He smiled as a Helmsman took a key out.
"Name's (Y/N), Prince Fire boy said that he found the Avatar, I'm guessing you're him?" You said, a little shock that the Avatar was a little boy.

"Yep. Hey, watch this!" He took a deep breath and suddenly he was blown back with the from Helmsman being knocked out. You saw the key fall and you turned to Twig.
"Fetch it boy," He obeyed and slipped through the bars, grabbing the key and fiddling with lock.

And click and you pushed the cell open. You grabbed Twig and ran down the hall to see the outside for the first time in a while. You saw nothing but ice and water all around.
"A disadvantage for my bending, come on Twig, let's find that boy and see if he can help us," You said as you ran into the quarters.

You saw him running down the hall.
"Hey wait up!" You yelled out as you followed behind. You saw him dodge some Helmsmen with his bending as you snuck the other way trying to find another exit.

"Air boy?" You whispered as you made your way to the captain front. You saw the trap door trust and he appeared. He noticed you and motioned you to come near. You crawled over as he grabbed your hand and you both ran out and made it to the ledge.

"You go on without me air boy, I'll defend you as you escape," You told him.
"But, you'll get trapped again," He tried to argue, but you only gave Twig to him.
"As long as Twig has a real home, I'll be happy to be captured," You said as you kissed Twig on the forehead.

Twig whined as the boy only nodded and jumped to fly off. But then you heard footsteps and turn to see Zuko running at you. You held your ground and even without anything to bend, you can still take him. He threw fire at you, which you dodged and you lifted your leg to kick him.

"You think you can protect the Avatar, criminal bender? Without anything to bend with?" Zuko growled.
"I can still bash your head on the ground here," You smirked, kicking at him again.

He grabbed your leg and threw you down. You groaned in pain as he jumped at Aang, he grabbed his leg and they both fell. You jumped back up and looked at the ledge to see a... bison?
Zuko and Aang started to fight, Aang dodging the fire that was thrown at him.

Zuko managed to get on on the ledge and knock him out. Aang fell overboard and you heard someone yell. Twig was injured during the fight and you jumped to pick him up.
"Air boy!" You yelled out to the sea.

"Air boy! Aang!" You shouted. Helmsmen surrounded you to capture you again, until something in the water came up and you saw Aang in a whirl of water. Your eyes widen as he threw the Helmsmen and Zuko into the water.
"Woah," You breathed out as Aang fell into the ground.

"Aang!" You saw the bison land and two people hopped off to check on him.
"Hey Twig, you okay buddy?" You asked your Tiger Monkey. He made a small noise, making you sigh in relief and hug him.
"Hey!" You looked up to see the girl with Aang.

"I want to say thanks for trying to save me. Oh! Katara, this is (Y/N), she saved me back there." Aang smiled.
"Thank you, over there is my brother Sokka," The girl introduced. You smiled at them and stood up.
"Though is was fun, the Helmsmen will try and catch us," You said, and just as you said that, they came out.

You growled and got ready to fight, but then Katara Waterbended and froze them. You turn to her in awe.
"That was cool, literally," You grinned. She shyly rubbed her neck and put Aang on the Bison.

"Appa! Yip yip!" Sokka shouted as you hopped on the bison now named Appa. He started to fly off as Iroh got up from his nap. You waved at him as you four flew away.

"Bye Iroh! Thank you for the roast duck!"


"How did you do that?! With the water?!" Katara asked shocked. You were all on Appa as he flew above the sea.
"It was the most amazing thing I've ever seen!" She said.
"I met Waterbenders through my run, but nothing was compared as you Air boy," You crossed your arms leaning against the rails.
"I don't know, I just sort of did it," Aang shrugged.

"Why didn't you tell us you were the Avatar?" Aang looked at you three, before looking down and sighing.
"Because I never wanted to be," He mumbled. There was silence for a moment. You sympathize for the kid, but then you shook it away as Twig stretched on your lap.

"But Aang, the world's been waiting for the Avatar to return and finally put an end to this world," Katara pleaded.
"Slow down a little Water girl, he's only at least 12 years old, how is he going to do that?" You retorted back. Aang looked at you, then smiled.

"Well. according to legend, you first need to master water, then earth, then fire, right?" Katara guessed.
"That's what the monks told me," Aang replied.
"Well, if we go to the North pole, you can master Waterbending." She smiled.

"We can learn it together!" Aand said happily. Katara turned to her brother.
"And Sokka, I'm sure you'll get to knock some Firebender heads on the way," She said.
"I'd like that, I'd really like that. But other than that, are we really going to let this criminal with us on the journey?" Sokka said pointing at you and Twig.

"What makes her a criminal? She doesn't look dangerous to me," Aang asked confused.
"Wait until we're on land Air boy," You chuckled.
"She's The Delusional Bender! One of the most dangerous Benders ever! She killed an army of Fire Nations!" Sokka accused. You scoffed at that and sat up straight.

"I'm not one who interrupts people's journeys, but I can find you master benders, because my bending is something a little more complicated," You said with a grin. The water tribe siblings didn't looked convinced so you sighed.
"I promise on my life that I will never harm any of you, betraying or tricking you in any way," You said with your hand raised, Twig copying you.

Sokka warily looks at you as Katara smiled and Aang hopped to meet you all.
"All right, but before I learn Waterbending, we have some serious business to attend to," He showed a map, and started to explain how you all will ride some animals, making you sigh.

'Maybe this journey will be the death of me,'
Hello my fellow dragon riders! Welcome to my passion project!

My Avatar: The Last Airbender x reader!

I've worked on this book forever! Ever since I started my Dragon's Trust book, I wanted to do an Atla book too, but since Dragon's Trust got so popular, I decided to put it on hold as I write my first book.

But since I'm waiting for season 2, and even though I have other books, I really wish for you Y'all to read this.

It'll mean so much to me!

I'll publish a new chapter until the end of Book 1: water, so I'll have you guys to decided if I should continue or not. See if you like the character or not!

So please, enjoy this book I worked so hard on.

Stay healthy and stay tune!

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