⚠Eloni || Freak⚠

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Words you were oh so used to, to the point you didn't think of yourself in any other way.

You were built as a performer for a circus, purposely made to be made fun of.

True enough, you've never seen yourself. You were never allowed to look in a mirror, told you'd shatter it with your twisted appearance.

You danced and sang like your life depended on it, which it did but no human eye saw that. They only saw a gnarled performer.

You performed for years, all the way until the circus got shut down due to not meeting regulatory requirements.

Your owner was abusive not only to you, but the whole crew.

To the animals, they were malnourished and beaten senseless until they complied.

To the acrobats, he shot at them until they got the routine right. A few bled out even while performing from stress on the stitches. Others died from either stress or from the gushing blood from the umpteen holes in their bodies.

The clowns got gaslighted into thinking they had to live with the makeup on because they were even more hideous without it. Many got instituted into mental wards from identity crises.

To you and the other robotic performers, he specifically programmed to feel pain just so he could hear your cries and pleas. You were the only survivor, the others were reduced to nothing but crumbled balls of scrap metal.

After the whole ordeal being shut down and your maker arrested, you had nowhere to go.

"You're free to make your own decisions now!"

Yes, but what if you don't know how because all you've known is to be dependent on your abuser? What if you were beaten if you even had one thought of your own to then you don't know how to think on your own? What if you're scared of being alone because you weren't allowed to leave the abuser's side?

Your questions stabbed at your mechanical mind, you never dared to ask them aloud.

You wandered aimlessly around, judt walking until you shut down.

No one approached you, and you thought you horrified them.

They're scared of you. Because of your god damn monstrous appearance.

Despite him being gone, you still heard his deep, threatening voice.

Hugging yourself, you kept going.

You could feel yourself deteriorating by the second.

You soon reached Vinyl City.

A few gave you concerned looks, to which you thought of as looks of disgust.

You ignored the asks of if you were okay, and shook off the gentle hands that tried to stop you from absolutely just killing yourself from continuing on.

You felt a creak, and one of your legs gave out, the other soon following.

Your optical sensors blurred and blacked, shut down initiating.

Before you felt your head clang to the ground, you heard a few tuneful voices yelling, "Watch out!!!"


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