⚠️⚠️Neon J || Not Anymore

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Part 2 (and conclusion) of Save Me.

TW: Mentions of PTSD, War, Disassociation, Mental Illness, and Suicide. Proceed with heavy caution.


J thought going to therapy would be a one time only thing. That, you were magically cured by talking to someone once.

It took a lot of convincing from (Y/N) to talk more about these issues that he had.

He never wanted to admit that he genuinely enjoyed their presence so he acted like they persuaded him enough.

Sleeping at night got easier, for the most part. There were less nightmares that there were before so he counted that as a plus.

Even the boys liked (Y/N), it honestly doesn't take much but they considered it an honour anyhow.

For months, J went over to visit. Both for sessions and to just talk about whatever came to mind.

He even started to bring gifts.

It started out small, a coffee every now and then, sometimes an herbal tea he found out they enjoy.

Then it went to flowers, ones he knew they could use in their practices. They were grateful as they could rarely find some of those flowers, but was a little skeptical of how he was able to obtain them. He told them not to fret, as he had numerous connections, one specifically being Yinu's mother.

Soon it turned into crystals, herbs, things he knew they needed and/or wanted.

They once asked him why, and to which he responded, "Consider it returning the favour."

"You know that this is my job, right?" They laughed. "I went to college for this, J."

"I'm aware, but I'm not one to let a favour go unreturned. Please, (Y/N), I want to do this for you."

It didn't take an expert to know the meaning behind those words.

(Y/N) knew, but they didn't dare say a word to startle him, they've already lost too many people. They certainly didn't want to lose him, because little did he know, they caught feelings as well.

They knew it was unprofessional, that he was a client, it's- it's unheard of! It's against the rules! Or. . . was it?

They eventually went to Tatiana to talk about this, whom which lost it.

(Y/N) sat there, waiting for Tati to stop her laughing fit.

"This is serious!!" They huffed.

She calmed down to a few giggles, "I'm sorry, this is just too good. The irony of this is amazing."

"Tati! Come on! This is really frustrating here!"

She sighed, "Physicians of any sort must terminate the sessions in order to begin a closer relationship, that's the rule. However, despite ending the sessions, that can't stop you from helping him more as a lover than his therapist. Meaning, that even though you're not his registered therapist anymore, you can still talk with him and help him on a personal rather than professional level. That's all I can say to help, (Y/N).”

They beamed, much to her surprise, "I didn't think of it that way! Thank you so much, Tati!"

And with that, they were out of Tatiana's office.

Months later, J was doing so well.

But all things that go up, must come down.

The boys could hear him throw things about.

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