Zimelu || Miss You

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JestersMadness  My guy I dunno how to break it to ya but these requests are *chef's kiss* immaculate. And almost scarily accurate- so this might get personal again, so apologies in advance.


Yet another shitty week.

The consistency is getting a little annoying, (Y/N) thought as they flopped on their bed.

Second after second, they had been berated by task after task, problem after problem, stress factor after stress factor.

Honestly, it's a surprise they're still alive after this hell.

They sighed and rolled over, staring up at the ceiling.

And to make this even worse, they haven't seen him in what seems like forever. And they were starting to get annoyed over that single factor.

(Y/N) had been friends with 1010 for a while, more specifically the infamous hot-headed redhead named Zimelu.

They felt a certain way towards him that people judged them for.

"You're just a fan, it's not that deep." The people would remind them.

"He's a robot, what the hell is wrong with you?" Those people would add to dig deeper wounds into their heart.

They huffed and sat up.

"So what if he's 'just a robot.' He actually treats me like a person, unlike all of them. He may be but he's more human than most humans I've met." They snarled under their breath.

They glanced over at the clock, and sighed again at how late (early?) it was.

Flinging the covers back, they tried to get comfy to at least get a bit of sleep.

They tossed.

And turned.

Tossed some more.

Turned again.

And nothing.

"Gah!! Screw this!" They groaned, dragging their hands down their face.

Rolling over, they saw the time again. Still 3 AM.

And to make matters worse, they were hungry.

They grudgingly got out of bed and wandered into the kitchen.

Absolutely nothing in there sounded remotely good enough.

Cabinet after cabinet, slung open then shut seconds later.

This is starting to get aggravating, they thought.

They traipsed back into their room and plopped down.

After a couple minutes of quiet, save the clicking clock and the city commotion, they picked up their phone.

After flinching at how bright their screen was, they sent a text to the only one they knew would answer.

Zim 👾❤️

Hey, you up? >


They knew it was a bit of a longshot because of his back to back schedule as well.

But to their surprise, a ping came through not even a minute later.

Zim 👾❤️

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