Neon J || The One and Only

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JestersMadness   I haven't written this much in a w h i l e and I'm loving every minute of this

Prepare for a long one *cracks knuckles*

Soaring through the "river" of air, 1010 did their number on the the flying limousine/battleship stage.

Fans screamed and cheered from the sides, boosting the boys' morale and batteries.

Neon J stood off on the sidelines, propped up against the wall.

He hasn't remade his factory yet after the encounter with Bunk Bed Junction so that's all he could do. Just watch.

All in sync, as usual, the boys spun and danced, blowing kisses at fans occasionally.

After an hour of that, the show ended.

Fans threw roses, teddy bears, etc.

Rin held a rose in his mouth, grinning at fans.

Purl tucked a blue rose behind his ear, waving at the crowd.

Zimelu held a teddy bear in one arm, holding a bouquet in the other.

Haym and Eloni hugged a couple of teddy bears, absolutely beaming, partially at fans, more because they have more plushies.

Then something landed in front of J.

Confused, he bent down and picked up a rose with a tag tied on with a green ribbon.

He held tight onto it as the boys gathered back, waving as the ship turned a back road towards the mansion.

The boys chatted away, showing off their plushies to each other, each one looking like the one it.

"Hey, Cap, what's that?"

J snapped out of his daze, looking up at Eloni.

"Uh, I'm not really sure, Eloni. It landed it front of me, and has this little tag."

"Have you read it yet?" Haym came up about that time.

J shook his head, "Knowing some of you boys' fans, I'm a little scared to."

"Do it! Maybe it was meant to land in front of you!" The Sprite duo exclaimed, squeezing their plushies.

J sighed and flipped the tag over.


Hey, you don't know who I am, but I'd like you to. Maybe we can meet up some time?

Here's my number: XXX-XXX-XXXX

-(Y/N) :)"

He hummed, analyzing the handwriting. It looked familiar, but he couldn't figure out why.

"Well?" Eloni asked curiously.

"Well, it was meant to land near me. It's an invitation from I'm guessing a fan? They put their number too."

He added in a mumble, "(Y/N), huh?"


A few days passed, and he hadn't even touched the rose after that show.

It sat in a skinny vase of water, the tag still on it.

J sat at his desk, arms crossed, staring at it.

A knock at his door startled him.

Rin stood there in the doorway, glancing from the rose to his dad and back.

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