Chapter 1

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As you rode in your parent's car to your new school, your heart beat faster the closer you got to the school. I did not know a single person there, and I was worried if I would be able to find a place. 

When your parents pull on the curb, they smile at you and unlock the doors. It feels unreal when your foot hits the pavement. You have changed schools more times than you can count, but every time it gets harder rather than easier. Even if it doesn't get easier, at this point you have come up with a system. On the first day, you only focus on getting a layout for the land; figuring out who seems like good friends, which teachers you can ask for help, and where you should sit at lunch. 

The first thing that catches your eyes when you step out of the car is the size of the school. Your parents had informed you the day prior that the majority of the school was outdoors, making you believe that this was the reason for the school being massive. The second thing you noticed wasn't even the school, it was the Eiffel Tower behind it. 

Maybe it wouldn't be so bad going to school with that view each morning. 

You take a quick glance at your homeroom. 

Mrs. Bustier. 

The name sounded familiar, and you recall that she has won many awards for her outstanding teaching strategies.

Once you figure out her room number, you look at the map that you printed out prior to leaving the house. 

Just my luck. Her room is on the opposite side of the school. 

You begin to speed walk over to her room when you are stopped by another student. The student has long red hair, with bangs and two small chunks of her hair tied up on each side of her head. The rest of her hair is tied in a loose ponytail, that drapes down her back. She is dressed in a black and white polka-dot shirt, with a red jacket over top. 

"Omg hi! Are you new here? I'm Lila Rossi. What's your name?" Her voice seemed very enthusiastic, but you ignored this, thankful that you might be making a friend rather quick. 

"Oh! Uh, I'm Y/N."

"Oh my gosh, I have heard about you! Everyone is super excited about your arrival. In fact, you are the only thing anyone has been talking about!" 

"Is that a good or a bad thing?" Your mind starts racing to all of the worst possible outcomes. They could've been talking about my bad sense of style, how I look nerdy, how I have the worst-

"Only the best! We do not get many new students around here, so when we heard about you, everyone was super excited to meet you!" She quickly spat out, " Plus I have heard that you are from Canada, which is really far," She took a quick look at the clock before gasping. 

"You need to get to class right now! What's your first period?" She grabbed my schedule out of my hands before I could answer and her face lit up, "We have first period together! Come on!"

She took my hand and led me upstairs into Mrs. Bustier's classroom. 

"Yes Rose, for the last time we have a new student coming in today. Now I need everyone to be on their best behavior- Oh here she is! And I see you have already met one of our students, Lila." She finishes and turns back to you expecting a reply. Lila takes a look at you and realizes how nervous you look, so she speaks for you. 

"Yes, I have already spoken to her and she is SO nice. I think she will become great friends with everyone." 

You scan the rest of the classroom and you notice the many pairs of tables. You stop looking around when you see a girl with short blue hair in pigtails and another girl with red hair whispering. Based on the looks they give each other, it does not seem like nice comments. 

"Alya, Marinette, is there something you would like to share with the class?" They both seem startled by the question and quickly respond with a no. 

Great. I haven't even spoken to the class yet and people already hate me. 

"Alright, well since you and Lila seem to be getting along you can go sit with her. You two can both take a seat behind Juleka and Rose." 

You follow Lila up to our seats where you both sit down. Lila informs you that every day the class starts with everyone giving compliments to each other. After you compliment Lila on her hair and she compliments you on your smile, class officially begins. 

EDIT: I apologize for the story moving a bit slow! This is just necessary to get the story moving in the direction I want it to. Luka will be at least introduced in the next chapter I promise. 

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