Meeting a New Friend in the Park.

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"Who am I kidding you all want to be heroes right?" The teacher asked only to receive a large shouting of agreement from the class, each one showing off their quirk except for two. Two students with two completely different reasons.

After Bakugou stopped bragging about he will be the very best like no one ever was or ever will be, the teacher brought up Izuku's application

"Mr. Midoriya, why didn't you write out anything on our high school choosing forms?" The class turned his attention to the green haired boy at the back, to the utter anger of Bakugou Katsuki.

"Well, I'm planning on starting my own business, becoming an entrepreneur of sorts. I want to open an animal cafe actually." Izuku started simply only to be rebuked by Bakugou saying, "Lame!" loudly which caused some giggles through the class.

Soon the school was over, Izuku was just finishing up a checklist of what he needed to do to start the cafe when Katsuki and his two hype man followed behind him to where Izuku sat.

"What do you have here, Deku?" Katsuki said smiling mockingly at him before snatching the small open notebook away from the desk. "Plans for opening? Give me a break! Do you think anyone would want to come to your cafe when they found out you're quirkless?"

Izuku crossed his arms at his ex-friend's behavior, "Of course. Anyone will get over someone being quirkless os they can experience a good time at a cafe surrounded by animals. What part of that seems so mind-boggling to you?" Izuku sassed before holding out his hand, "Now are you going to give it back anytime soon?"

Katsuki snarled at Izuku's nonchalant attitude before chucking the notebook outside ignoring Izuku's weak protest of 'Wait. No. Now I have to walk.' Katsuki looked back at him with anger, "Are you looking down at me, your quirkless Deku?!"

"No, actually, I'm looking up at you because of our height difference. But seriously what's with you and throwing my stuff out the window? Does it really bother you that I am making a life for myself away from your own personal bubble?" Izuku asked with his hands in his hip before grabbing his book bag and walking away. To Katsuki's protest of, "Get back here, Deku! Don't walk away from me you worthless coward!" Just to be safe, he hid in the janitor's closet as soon as he walked out the classroom door to avoid the Bakugou rampage run. It happens each time he leaves a conflict before it gets physical. Little to no surprise, he heard the slamming of a door, an anguished cry of "DEKU!", and loud running toward the stairs. When the sounds of three pairs of feet became quiet, he stepped out from the closet to go downstairs the different way to avoid even more conflict if Bakugou was waiting at the bottom of the stairs.

Izuku headed toward where Bakugou threw his notebook out the window to get it from the ground wherever it might be. He searched the ground before finding it a few feet away from the fountain. 'Thank god, it didn't go into the water, that would have taken a long time to rewrite.' Izuku thought as he continued on his way home a slightly different way to make sure Katsuki wasn't anywhere near his path. If he knew the schedule correctly , he and his 'friends' will go to the arcade which means he has to go through the park to get to the street of his house...

Thinking the plan over twice, he nodded in confirmation to himself before walking on toward the park. The plan was successful, not once has he seen a particular blond haired person in the park. Yes! Maybe he should take this path more often to avoid a Kacchan even more.

Izuku smiled to himself, 'Yeah that is a good plan," he thought. He walked on a little peaceful stroll enjoying the cherry blossom trees even though they weren't in bloom quite yet. He was looking at the pond with all the ducks swimming across the water, the birds in their nest in that tall tree in front of the fountain, the closed cardboard box that seems to be shoved behind a massive throne bush, the flowers-

Izuku paused in his steps with a deja vu kind of feeling of when he adopted Chieko a few years ago. He looked at the box which was moving slightly, he could probably guess that it was another animal in trouble.

He walked over to the rosebush a vote avoiding the thorns as he carefully pulled out the closed box from its hiding place. He bit back a sound of pain as one of the thorns nicked him on the arm. Soon he successfully got the box out from under the thorns, he rubbed one at one of the his arms that the thorn hit. That was only a scratch, he has dealt with worse.

Taking a deep breath, he opened the box and inside was a big fluffy brown bunny. The bunny had a big fluffy body with gigantic floppy ears the hung down from the sides of its face. It sniffed at the box before looking up at him. He frowned at the sight of the bunny's left eye. While's the bunny's right eye was a deep chocolate brown, the left was a cloudy white. The result from, he assumed, the three claw marks that went over the left side of its face. Three deep lines of red that crossed over where the cloudy left eye was positioned.

He smiled as the bunny sniffed at his hands before butting their head against his palm. He laughed gently as he smoothed his fingers over the soft plush of fluff the bunny had.

Izuku, of course, took the bunny home in his arms. The bunny was loving the ride apparently since it kept sniffing at him while he walked. Not too long passed, until he got to the front door.


Inko was temporarily startled at seeing her son with a huge bunny in his arms, but honestly she wasn't surprised. She just sighed as she looked at her son's overjoyed face while holding the bunny close carefully to his chest.

She rolled her eyes playfully at her son, "I'll get the food and supplies. You stay here and make sure the bunny isn't hurt." Izuku went inside the house as his mother went outside to fetch the needed things from the pet store. Chieko was happy to see him as she trotted on her strong, three legs to him when she smelled him walk in. But she stopped short when she was another animal in his arms, she backed off as he laid the bunny down on his bed after lying down a towel. Izuku was worried about how Chieko would react, but all she did with the newcomer was stare.

Chieko then raised to lay her head down near the edge of the bed to reach her nose to the bunny. Chieko sniffed the newcomer, before softly licking their front paw. The bunny seemed to be curious of Chieko because they returned the sniff to their face. Izuku breathed out a sigh as he was worried they wouldn't get along.

Not too long after, his mom returned with some food, toys, a ribbon collar, a cage, and other things. He set up the cage in his room on the floor near his desk. With that, the Midoriya family had a new addition added to the household.

Izuku made sure to feed both Chieko and Kimi before having his own dinner. He took Chieko for a jog before it go too late in the night. And he made sure that Kimi got in her daily playtime by playing with her on the ground. Their playing consisted mostly of Kimi chasing after a toy in Izuku's hand as he giggled from her nose tickling his skin.

It was already time to go to bed because he had lost track of time playing with Chieko and Kimi. All nights seemed to be like this though since he got Chieko. But now since he added Kimi to the equation, he predicted he will be a night owl by his third pet. Since having fun with them, was the best parts of his days, since they bring a smile to his face as soon as he walks through the door to his house.

He smiled as he looked at Kimi resting peacefully in her cage before looking down at the lightly snoring Chieko. With a sudden idea, he added some more notes to his cafe plan

"Zuku's Cafe"

-pet friendly snacks that are edible to humans as well.
-different paw prints all over the walls
-color theme??
-*Chieko is a good judge of character, if she doesn't like a customer, they will be regarded as suspicious and be under surveillance or be taken out of the cafe quickly.*
-petting area for animals that can't roam as free as the others

Izuku smiled as he added the last note of his outline before yawning. He put his notebook back on his desk before going to sleep and dreaming about what the cafe will be like.

'What would the color be though?' Was his last thought before going to dreamland.

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