Two Lizard Bois and Miss Tarantula

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Izuku and his mother, Inko, was hard at work scrubbing the floors of the cafe. Koda and his mother volunteered to help them, so they were currently scrubbing off the walls. Yukiko and two of her workers helped by cleaning up the kitchen and writing down appliances that they still needed to get.

After their hard work cleaning and dusting off, they taped the trim and primed the walls for a fresh coat of paint. Their decided to keep the dark hardwood floors to incorporate into their theme. Mint Chocolate. Izuku's mother and Koda's mother worked together to paint the walls behind the display a light mint green. Yukiko and one of her assistants painted the pet area walls a nice calm beige. The hallways were being painted by another worker the same green color. Koda and Izuku helped the worker paint the bottom of the walls with the same color.

A lot of time was spent going back to some areas to touch up, repainting, adding another layer of paint before each wall was at the desired color. With the walls out of the way, they painted the outer trim of all the walls a lighter brown color that reminded Izuku of chocolate.

It took a few days for them to finish the paint job, but it looked amazing when it was finished.

The walls of the pet area had little paw prints and footprints of several pets trailing up the beige walls in the same chocolate color that was the trim. They were planning on having yellow tabletops and yellow accented chairs to bring in the color. The wall behind the display case had an intricate border painted in the chocolate colors that laces around the sides of the wall. They were planning to put a large mural that Izuku can paint or decorate in his own style.

The kitchen in the back had the same beige as the hallways, but had thin stripes of the same green and yellow shades. As well as the pantry and fridge area located at the side of the kitchen.

Everyone was so proud of the work they accomplish into making the cafe dream come true. They couldn't wait until the next step of getting the furniture set up.


Meanwhile in America, Midoriya Hisashi sat at his desk with his to-go pizza lunch while he looked over the list Yukiko sent him of necessities the cafe needed. He was glad he was able to help his family by getting what they absolutely needed to open a cafe. A cafe that he knew would take off because he knew his son could do anything.

In one tab, he had many items placed into a wishlist with priority shipment to their address. But in the other tab was a request to transfer opened up.

His coworker noticed how happy tears ran down his cheeks when he opened the letter. They thought, 'Man, Hisashi really deserves it..... Now if only Karen would get off my back.'

Hisashi smiled at the big words at the bottom



Izuku breathed out heavily as he walked into the park again, trying to calm himself down. They had a really big exam today, and he was tired from studying. This should be the last one for a while. It was only a month or two away from officially being down with middle school. He just had to stick it out.

He decided to take some time to himself and venture off into the trees. He didn't really know what was going to happen, but, hey, he might find another pet with his luck.

And just as he would have it, he saw a basket that looked to be from Halloween because of its smiling orange pumpkin face. He approached with caution because he didn't know what was in there.

He gently tilted his head down to look to see a tarantula sitting on top of a shallow nest with seven legs. Wait. Seven legs? Weren't they supposed to have eight?

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