Koda's POV of the USJ

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Koda had no idea what was happening. One moment the teacher was talking about their quirk and how even though it was dangerous and could kill, they're ere using it for good. Then the lights went out, villains broke in before they could start their lesson and a purple mist villain had teleported him away.

He ended up in a somewhat dark area that was raining with Tokoyami. He let out a sigh of relief when he noticed that he was not alone that turned into a wheeze when he realized that they were surrounded by a group of villains.

"Hi," Dark Shadow greeted happily. Koda waved back at him before the shadow turned its sight on the men surrounding them. The rain was beating down on them, making a symphony from the beat of the water droplets hitting the ground.

"Dark Shadow and I will take care of the west flank," Tokoyami told Koda who was standing back to back with his classmate.

Koda hummed his agreement right as Dark Shadow intercepted a man who rushed forward towards the two students. Tokoyami fought hand to hand with a man with long fingers that scratched at him.

Koda readied his fist to block against the attacks coming at him, pushing them away from him and throwing a punch directly into another's face.

One by one, thug after thug, both of them took the thugs down until they all laid on the ground mildly injured from the fight. Dark Shadow saw this opportunity to see the sliver of light coming from the entrance of the zone. Tokoyami grabbed onto Koda's arm to run with him towards the exit.

Koda runs with Tokoyami to escape the pouring rain of the zone and away from the injured thugs behind them. When the exited the zone, they had a clear view of what was happening in the middle of the Unforeseen Simulation Joint. They could see the hideous monster that they saw walk through the portal with the villain with hands covering his body.

And now, the monster was above the motionless body of the teacher with the villain walking towards the water where one of their classmates was frozen in fear. Koda recognized Tsuyu even from their spot from the dark green color against the blue of the water. The hand-covered villain reached towards Tsuyu's face.

But right as the villain's hands came in contact with Tsuyu's face, the villain turned back to face Aizawa who was apparently stopping him from using his quirk.

Koda desperately looks around for an animal to call on, praying that any kind of bird or insect might be around to aid him. He couldn't see any of them in sight, but he was going to shout for them to help when Shigaraki was slowly walking back to their home room teacher.

Dark Shadow gasped behind him with Tokoyami holding onto Koda's arm to pull him away from the rain zone entrance just in case the men inside was heading towards them.

But right as Koda opened his mouth to call for help on any animals around them, he heard a sudden eruption of noise towards the entrance of the USJ. Koda turned his head to see All Might at the top of the stairs dressed in yellow.


"All Might?!"

Koda nodded his head frantically as he recounted the tale from there. How All Might had defeated the monster with a series of heavy powered punches before the villains retreated. After that, both of the teachers that were hurt were escorted to the hospital to be treated for their injuries while the other staff members gathered the students that were spread around the building. The small-time villains were all arrested afterwards by the police.

Izuku breathed in, no doubt thinking about Eraserhead in the hospital since Koda heard about his teacher visiting here during the nights.

Koda chuckled as the wolf dogs pounced onto his shoes to try and chew on his shoelaces.

"What's new around here?" Koda asked quietly as he allowed the wolf dogs to crawl all over his lap. Chai was currently trying to lick all over his face no matter how much he moved his face away from their tongue.

"Nothing That new. Although dad was bringing up an idea of expanding the cafe to have more room since the cafe has been doing really good in sales. So if we put aside some money, we could extend and remodel a bit."

"That sounds nice. It would mean more room for customers and new animals you will bring home," Koda replied as Hinto sat on his feet while Chai settled into his lap. Sakumo dropped down from the couch with Lobo to set their attention on Izuku.

Izuku smiled at his friend, "You make it sound like I return with an animal every time I go outside."

Koda raised an eyebrow. Izuku rolled his eyes at his friend, "Okay, it's true. I might have a problem with adopting every animal I see. But I don't know fully about the idea yet since it might mean we have to move buildings to somewhere new.

"This place already has everything and it's so close to the Yukiko who can make sure all the animals are alright. But I really want to have at least more of a backyard where all the dogs can run around more instead of me having to walk them to the park to do their business," Midoriya explained as Lobo hopped into his lap to get cuddles. Izuku ruffled his fluffy fur coat as the wolf dog licked and nibbled at his fingers. "I'm still thinking it over and going over the options."

"It sounds stressful. I can't imagine having to take care of a business especially now."

"Yeah. Could you imagine if I was trying to juggle school along with this? Oh, I would have dropped out so quickly. Probably quicker than All Might finishing a fight," Izuku said, scratching behind Lobo's ears.

"How's the cafe going in general?"

"Thankfully, we got a new employee to help with the workload around here."

Koda hummed as Chai crawled over him to get him to play with them. He let out a small giggle when Chai started to attack his neck with her wet nose. Hinto saw his chance and jumped back on the couch to push his body against the student to get more rubs.

"Their name is Shuichi Iguchi. He starts at the beginning of next week," Izuku paused to run his fingers through the fur of Chieko who was sitting next to him on the floor while he sat on the chair across from his friend. "And don't worry, we made sure that he got along with all of the animals before hiring him to make sure he could handle that responsibility."

"That's good."

"Yeah, the guests are bouncing between only a few customers to as crowded as a bullet train. I just hope Shuichi will be able to handle his first week. We plan on doing some training during the weekend," Izuku says. "Just letting him study what he needs to know about the animal friend we have and then the next day will be learning what the cafe has. So he should be prepared by the start of next week if everything goes well."

God this took forever to write.  I was really torn about following canon or go a little bit off from Koda's perspective of it. This is so short though. Hopefully in future after I work on this fanfic's outline I will have more motivation to write this.

Any thoughts about this AU?

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