Three Sugar Gliders, a Turtle and a Hamster Walk into a Shelter

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"Okay so how about the tables around here?" Inko asks pointing at the rough drafted blueprint of the cafe area.

Yukiko nodded with a hum, "Sounds good. We should position them so we have a lot of space for walking and for the pets to roam around."

Koda and Izuku sat looking at the blueprint in concentration rubbing their chins in unison.

The blueprint had the first story of the building drawn out. The large space that went from the middle of the page to the very back was the kitchen area. There was squares indicating where the working appliance were set up. A long rectangle in front of the kitchen where the glass case was to show off the food. A sketch of the cash register set up in the end.

Yukiko got the blueprint from measuring how big the space was herself with Inko helping by drawing it all out. Thankfully, they had more than enough space to work with. There was plenty of space for the animals to roam and room for the cages where the other animals would be placed. The first floor itself was bigger than Inko's whole house! But since there was so much space for a cheap price, the renovations they had to do was piling up. Yukiko and Koda had already decided to help them as much as they could when they weren't busy working at the shelter.

Koda has already decided to attend UA if he could get into the hero department. He expressed how he wanted to go there since Izuku had really wanted him to follow his own dream of becoming a hero to save others. Koda had already promised that no matter what happens he would always try to help out with the shelter and the cafe when he had the time. But since UA was still a long time away, he still had time to help out.

They had it all planned out the paint job and where certain colors would be. The type of furniture and where it would be placed. Izuku and his mom were still thinking about moving into the second story floor since it was safer for them and the animals. They still had t talk it out, but they knew that they would probably move in after the cafe was redone. The second floor was kept clean and empty. All they would have to do is move the furniture from their apartment to the building. And since the building was so huge, the pets could have their own room, well if they would dare separate from Izuku.

Koda and Izuku looked at each other and smiled.

'This is going to be great'


Another day, another pet it seems as Izuku stumbles upon a weird box with holes in it. It had a huge water staying at the bottom of it. He was lucky to actually find the box! He was heading to his happy place stream and he found the box right next to a tree that bordered the stream.

Izuku sighed and smiled because he knew if he opened the box, boom, new friend. And that's what he did, he opened the flaps of the box to find a little turtle bobbing in a leaking bowl of water. A red eared slider turtle from what he learned about from Koda. Their eyes seemed to be clouded while their little legs keeping swimming right into the edge of the bowl.

Being gentle with the turtle, he gently lifted the turtle from the box in its bowl as he walked his way to the shelter. Along the way he met Koda, who was walking a little faster than him with a tiny box that seemed to be screeching every once a while.

"Hey Koda, what's wrong with the box traveler?"

"I-Izuku! I found three sugar gliders. But they a-are hurt! I need to give them to Miss Yukiko. They need medical attention soon." Koda explained quietly as he walked briskly, trying to keep his pace even to not further harm the injured animals. Izuku walked with him with a turtle in his arms. Together they reached the shelter with Yukiko standing outside.

"Ah, heck, come on in, kids," Yukiko said as Izuku and Koda rushed in with a turtle in a bowl and a screeching box. "Let's get these animal friends checked out, shall we?" With that, she led Izuku's turtle and Koda's sugar gliders to be taken care of by the shelter's vet.

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