Iguchi's Training

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Iguchi was really tired of playing the same games he could afford all day long in his room. It had been forever since he got out of high school. And ever since then it was hard to find a job, so he just started to spend his time locked away in his room with instant ramen and video games.

He didn't know what to do with his life except having fun.

But eventually the money became less and less so he had to look for a job. He wasn't thinking of much happening when he sent in his resume for a cafe since he didn't have much experience in anything.

So he was more confused than excited when he learned that he got the job.

So he got dressed in the clothes he had washed only a few days ago, sure it was a bit wrinkled from laying in the basket for a few days. But it was better than his other clothes that were stained. It still had the clean air scent from the dryer sheets he found in the laundromat.

Iguchi kept messing with his hair while he walked towards the cafe with the decorated sign beckoning him forward.

He heard some things about the cafe from people he walked by on the street, about how it was some sort of pet cafe. He guessed it might be like a cat cafe when he sent in his resume, but he never really went inside the cafe so he really didn't know what to expect.

But he was ready for anything. He pulled out his phone to check the notes that the owners had sent over to him, informing him that the cafe door was open, but it was just closed for the public.

And immediately he was greeted with a small group of dogs heading his way. His eyes widened as all four of them ran towards him with yips and barks. He bent down slightly when they finally got to him, letting them smell him before he would reach out and pet them.

"Who's a good doggy?" Iguchi smiled as the Akita Inu laid on their back for him to pet their stomach. "I bet you are."

"I see you have already met four of my friends."

Iguchi looked up to see a teenage boy looking back at him with a relaxed smile that growled bigger when one of the bigger dogs trotted their way towards him to get some pets of their own. "Hey, Chieko. Thanks for greeting the new recruit."

Chieko barked back at him with their tongue flopping out of their mouth as their tail went wild when the teenager started to scratch their back in a good spot.

The teenager pulled a piece of paper from their pocket, a paper that looked familiar to his resume. "You must be Iguchi Shūichi, correct?

"Ah yes, that's me," Iguchi responded as a dog's tongue licked his face after he replied. He stood up after that, removing himself from the licking range as the dogs settled down.

"Great. You're here right on time," the teenager responded back to him. "Did you have any trouble finding your way here?"

"Uh, not that much trouble. When I saw the sign, I knew I was in the right place." Iguchi brushed his hands against his pants. "So where do I start?"

"Let's begin with completing the introduction first. I am Midoriya Izuku and I basically run the store along with my parents," Midoriya introduced himself calmly. The dogs walked away from Iguchi's legs around to the corner of the wall to play together with the rope toy that was waiting there. "I will introduce you to each animal in the cafe, so you can know what is needed for them. I have a paper ready for you to look over when you get back home."

"Awesome. It's nice to meet you, Midoriya," Iguchi replied.

Midoriya nodded, "And it's good to finally have another worker here because the cafe can be a bit overwhelming when you're understaffed on a busy hour."

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