A Short Break

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"Special at table 4," Midoriya called out with Chieko walking around his legs to get attention from a four year old girl.

Iguchi nodded back at him while handing glasses of sodas to a table of older teens who looked like they were in university. "Enjoy your drinks."

"Thanks, dude."

Iguchi was doing well in the cafe despite just starting out recently. And Pascal, the veiled chameleon, had taken an extreme liking to him. Pascal was often riding around on his shoulder when he was taken out of his cage.

Iguchi started to only struggle when the cafe was really filled with people. But he was slowly getting the hang of it with Izuku there to help him through the crowded tables.

On his break, Izuku went up the stairs to his room to check on the recently expanded ant farm. He had made a new enclosure that allowed the ants to roam around more in plastic tubes. Although he made sure it was tightly closed off since he didn't want them roaming around his room. Sometimes he would feed them little pieces of their baked goods to give them sweetened bread along with their regular food.

He looked towards Guinevere, the pink axolotl, in a tank and gave her a check over. "Hey, Girl. Are you okay? I see you ate all the breakfast I gave you earlier today."

The axolotl swam around the bottom of the tank while he watched over them. With a smile, he exited his room only to be jumped on by the wolf dogs who wanted attention.

"Okay, Okay. I can play for like a few minutes before I need to go back downstairs," Izuku reassured the dogs while they playfully nipped at his fingers. He bent down to pick up a chewed up baseball. "Fetch!"


Koda listened from his seat as a bandaged Aizawa announced to them all about the Sports Festival coming up in two weeks. He barely heard Uraraka hyping herself up when thoughts started to rush through his head.

'What am I supposed to do? How would I use my quirk?' Koda thought to himself while he tapped his pencil against his paper.

And those thoughts continue to cycle through his mind through the rest of his classes until lunch when he sat with Shoji and Tokoyami.

"Koda, what do you think about the festival being moved up?" Shoji asked with one of his mouths on his appendages.

"I... I don't know," Koda answered quietly. "I don't think I'm ready."

"Revelry in the darkness," Tokoyami added dramatically while Dark Shadow snagged an apple slice off of his tray. "Since the festival goes on all throughout the day, I must train with Dark Shadow, so we can be at our best even with the solar rays on us, restricting his darkness."

Dark Shadow munched on another apple slice while Shoji coughed behind his mask. His mouth at the end of his arm starting talking, "I'm just going to aim to do my best no matter how far into the competition I make it to."

Koda nodded at his friend's words, keeping to himself as the other two talked about little stories they had.

It was after lunch when they headed back to their homeroom before moving into their next class. When Bakugo swung open the door to find a large amount of students surrounding the door.

Bakugo scoffed at the crowd, "Great, you know what we look like. Now move it, extras."

"Don't call people extras! That is extremely rude," Iida shouted out near the back wall of the classroom. His voice steadily grew louder as he headed over to the blonde in the doorway.

"Hey, if any of us do well, we can transfer into the Hero course with no sweat," a deep voice interrupted what the class President was about to say to the crowd. Koda peeked around his other classmates to see a head of purple hair staring down Bakugo. "And then they'll kick any of you out to make it possible. So don't look down on us."

Many other students nodded at his words. Some students in the classroom looked at each other with wary looks.

'One of us could be kicked out?' Koda thought to himself. 'But wait, Mineta got kicked out, so there is already an open seat available.'

"I mean, there is already an empty seat," Koda heard Kaminari mutter to Kirishima.

"So watch your backs because I'm coming for that spot in the Hero course. Just like the rest of us," the purple haired ten stated before turning around and disappearing into the crowd of students.

"...Does that guy have a lego brick for his head?" Koda heard Kaminari mumble again. Koda watched as Kaminari slowly nodded as he glanced around at the other students behind the door. "Cool."

"Alright," Aizawa interrupted from the hallway. "Back to class, everyone. Or else Nedzu is going to have a very long line to his office."

The other students scattered at the threat of seeing the principal. Aizawa breathed out as he walked inside the classroom.

"I don't get paid enough for this," Aizawa said, leaning down to suck on a fruit pouch left on his desk.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2022 ⏰

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