Chapter Sixty Two-Chances

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I sigh while laying on Harry's chest. It feels good to be back, but Harry has been acting weird lately, to say the least. He's been distant. It's like his mind is elsewhere, and he's nervous all of a sudden.

We've been back in New York for about a week now, and I've been working at the record store while he's been seeing a guy named Mitch for some reason. I think they met at a music festival or something, and they're friends. I'm honestly not sure, but I do know that they talk a lot and are good friends all of a sudden.

I look up and see him look down at me, his brows furrowed. "What's wrong, baby?"

I furrow my brows, and my lips part but close up just as soon as they opened.

"I can tell when something is bothering you. You twirl your hair or fiddle with your hands," He notes.

I sigh, and he laces our fingers together. "It's just that after Barcelona you've been acting differently. It's like you're hiding something from me, and I don't know what it is."

We both sit up from the couch, and I rub my temples. I sigh, "I just don't know what's going on. Things were great, and now we're distant."

He props his head with his fingers and nods. "I have something to tell you," His deep voice speaks, and my pulse quickens.

Oh no. What is it? He wouldn't ever cheat on me, but I have no clue what it could be.

"I'm thinking about going to L.A. to record an album I've been working on." My chest drops, and I stand up, crossing my arms over my chest.

"You're leaving?" My small voice shakes, and he shakes his head.

He stands up quickly and takes a step towards me. I just take a step back, shocked. My lips are parted.

"It would only be for two months probably since I've already written most of it. Plus, I was thinking that you could come with me."

Shock is the only way to describe how I feel. Well, maybe add a little bit of hurt and confusion. He told me about him writing an album, and he even went to a few writing sessions, but this just seems so sudden. I don't want him to just go off for two months. I just shake my head, and a single tear escapes from my eye. "I can't have this conversation," I mumble, "at least not now. I'll be back tomorrow or something."

I turn around and start walking towards the elevator, tears threatening to spill out.

'Why do you run away from us all the time?" He asks from behind me.

I stop dead in my tracks at his words. What the hell is he talking about?

I slowly turn around and glare at him, confusion clear on my face.

He seems to notice and explains further, "Every time we get into a fight you just run away. You need to stop doing that. We need to work this out because clearly, we're not on the same page about this."

"I do not run away from my problems," I defend, crossing my arms over my chest.

He shakes his head before looking at me, "Yes you do, and we both know it."

How. Fucking. Dare. He.

How can he have the nerve after springing something like this on me to then tell me that I run away from our problems?

I raise a brow, "Oh, so you weren't running away from your problems when you never told me about your management thing with Kendall." He seems to shrink back a little and is about to say something before I cut him off. "Cause it seems to me that you were avoiding that issue, so don't even go there."

"Avery, please just let me explain and we can talk this out," He pleads.

I suck in a breath, "I don't know, Harry. This whole thing is just stupid. I feel like once we finally take a step forward, something always happens, and then we're back to where we started!"

He takes a step towards me, but I don't back away. I glare at him, almost challenging him. I'm well aware that I'm trying to act all tough, but in reality, I'm falling apart. I'm shocked when I feel his hands cup my face, and another tear makes its way down my face. His brows are furrowed in concentration it seems like as he analyzes every feature of my face. "Please," He murmurs. "Just please give me a chance. I can't' stand seeing you like this."

My eyes meet his green ones. I can see the flakes of golden being this close to him. I'm even more shocked when I feel his lips slowly move against mine.

Everything stops, and every word we just said at each other seems to fade as I move my lips against his slowly. Everything about me is just gone and replaced by a warm fuzzy feeling that I don't want to go away. I focus on his beautiful, soft lips as they move carefully against mine. It's soft and not like some of the kisses we've had before. Almost every kiss that we've had is different, but there's something different about this one. It feels different. I should stop this. But I don't think I can. The way his lips move rhythmically against mine is almost hypnotizing, and I'm caught in it, slowly drifting away to wherever he's taking me.

His large hands cup my face ever so gently while my hands find their way to the back of his neck, my fingers finding the ends of his soft curls. I slowly pull away, and we rest our foreheads against each other. A kiss is a weird thing, but I guess it makes sense at the same time. Actions speak louder than words.

"I can't lose you."

I hear the soft words come from his soft lips, and for once I actually don't know how to respond.


Alright, so that all happened this chapter. I would honestly love to see you guys comment so I'll be listing some questions. Please answer because I love hearing what you guys have to say :)

Do you think that Avery overreacted in this situation?

Are you still rooting for Avery and Harry?

To spice it up lol if you could give Avery and Harry an aesthetic what would you give them?

Thank you so much for reading, and you should totally check out my other fanfic ;)

Thanks again!

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