Chapter Forty Six-The Truth

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***PLAY SONG***(It really explains what they're both feeling inside, but are afraid to admit. It also sets the tone)

"Hello," His deep accent fills the empty hallway, causing goosebumps to rise to my arms. My eyes look at the blank piece of notebook paper he has rolled up in his hand. My chest sinks. Oh God. Please don't tell me that's what I think it is.

My eyes search into his again, and he looks conflicted. "Can we talk?" He nervously asks, and I want to say yes. I really do, but I'm not sure. I furrow my brows and nod.

"Not here," I breathe out, and he nods. I start walking to the elevator, and he follows closely behind me without a word. I press the bottom button, and an awkward silence fills the elevator. I fiddle with my hands nervously. I don't look at him. I feel his eyes on me. He's trying to read me. After what feels like an eternity, the elevator doors open, and I step outside into the snowy street. The bitter cold bites my skin as I see my breath. I have a sweater on, so I should be fine. I fully examine Harry now. He wears a black coat with boots and jeans. Of course.

I'm not speaking to him right now. If he wants to talk, he can talk first. I look at him expectantly, and he seems to take the hint. "D-Did you mean what you wrote?" He stutters and looks at me, waiting eagerly for my answer.

"I don't know," I mumble. "I was angry, upset, and mostly hurt." I feel my eyes sting, but I don't let a tear slip. I can't cry in front of him. "I wrote that the day we broke up, so I don't even know." He nods his head, and his eyes lose the gleam he once had. It's like the one spark of hope he had vanished. I cross my arms over my chest uncomfortably. It's freezing out here. "What do you want, Harry?" I ask him and take a deep breath. I furrow my brows. "How'd you even know I was here?"

"Liliana told me," He answers, and he shifts his weight. We're both nervous in front of each other right now. Of course Liliana told him. She's not too much of a fan of Lucas anyway.

A sudden wave of hurt and anger crashes on me. "Look Harry," I start, frustrated. "I don't need to know why you chose her over me, alright? You go live your live, and I'll live mine." I'm about to turn away but he starts to speak. I just want to hug him so badly, but I resist the urge.

"No, it's not like that." I look at his eyes, and they look panicked. "Avery please, just let me talk. I'll explain everything to you-"

"What are you going to say Harry?" I raise my voice, and he shuts his mouth. He doesn't look mad or upset like I am. He looks calm. "What could you possibly say? I feel like I gave you everything, and it wasn't enough for you." A tear slides down my face, but I press on,"I don't want to hear it!" I take a shaky breath. "I can't do this," My voice is barely above a whisper as I turn away. I start to walk away from the man I still love. But he is also the man who broke my heart, and you aren't supposed to break the people you love.

"Avery, please," I feel his hand gently grab my hand, and I quickly turn to him, tears spilling from my eyes."My contract with Kendall is over, and there was nothing going on with us in the first place." I look deep into his eyes to see if he's lying, but I actually don't think he is. "I would never do anything like that because," He takes a deep breath, "because I love you." My whole body becomes less stiff as I hear the somewhat familiar words slip from his mouth. He looks so genuine in this moment. I want so badly to crash my lips against his, but I can't do that. "I was angry that day, and I took it out on you." He looks desperate in this moment. "I should have never yelled at you because your wrists, and if I can take it back, I would." His eyes burn into mine,"She messed with my head, and I'm so sorry." I know he's telling the truth, and that messes me up. I was so sure that my theories were right, but they're not, and I don't know what to do right now.

Afraid to Fall- H.S.Where stories live. Discover now