Chapter Eleven-Don't Ask if I'm Alright

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"Well look who decided to show up," A rough voice taunts. He doesn't yell, and that puts me on edge. My hair stands on edge, and I ignore him, dashing upstairs. My door is still broken, lying on my bedroom floor. I roughly grab my black backpack and stuff my phone from my desk in it, along with a charger. I grab my skateboard and put it in to. I look up and see my dad standing in the doorway, blocking my exit. "We can do this the easy way or the hard way?" I don't know why this puts me off, but a sudden boldness courses through me.

"Go to hell!" I hiss at him. His gaze hardens and he clenches his fist, his knuckles turning white. "I'm tired of your bullshit!"

"You little shit!" He barks. He stalks towards me and I run the other way. He grabs my bag, pulling me back. I stumble to the ground and grunt. I stumble up, and two hands wrap around my neck and hoists me up, my feet dangling. I try to kick him, but I'm too far away. I can't breath. I let out a mangled scream and thrash. I try to pry is hands from my neck, scratching him along the way, but his eyes, filled with rage, look into mine with nothing but hate. The corners of my eyes darken, and I gasp for air, but nothing happens. I hear the front door open and footsteps. My father drops me, and I crash to the ground, coughing and gasping for air. My head feels like it's spinning. My vision darkens, and I black out.


There are different types of pain. There's physical pain, emotional pain, and the pain of being ashamed and feeling guilty. I'm feeling all of those right now. I slowly open my eyes, and they focus. I hear the beeping of a heart monitor. I see blank white walls. I turn my head to see the heart monitor. My neck is sore and hurts when I move. I slowly turn my head and see Harry sitting beside the hospital bed. His expression looks pained.

He looks over and briefly smiles, but it doesn't reach his eyes. The tiredness in his eyes is prominent. "I'm glad you're awake," He admits.

"How long have I been here?" I croak out. My throat is sore and hurts when I talk.

"A few hours." I nod and look away, not wanting to meet his eyes. He told me not to go back there.

"What happened?" I get out nervously.

"Well, while you were supposed to be walking back, I decided to call the cops on him for everything he's done, but then I got a call saying that you were there and were being taken to a hospital." He doesn't sound angry, but he sounds somewhat disappointed. A nurse walks in.

"Alright, you're free to go, but we prescribed some medicine for the pain." Her voice is bright and airy.

"Thank you," Harry politely says before she exits the small room. "You ready?" I nod my head. I get up and grab my head. I feel dizzy and have a headache. He takes my hand and leads me to the car through the endless hospital. We get outside, and it's pitch black. We go to the car in silence. I know he's disappointed, but at the same time, he can't control me. I'm me, and he can't change that. Ok, I'll admit, that was probably a stupid idea to get my stuff, but at the same time, I felt restricted. It's not like when I could just leave and go, unnoticed, not that I miss that life.

He starts the car, and I stare out the window. "We'll talk tomorrow," Harry states, and I only nod.

"I'm sorry," I mumble. Silence. Dead silence. He parks the car outside the building, and I hop out. We go to the penthouse, and I go strait to my room and change into his shirt. I bury my head in the pillows, and a single tear makes its way down my cheek. Tiredness overwhelms me, and I drift off to sleep.


***PLAY SONG*** (its perfect for this situation!)

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