Chapter Seventy Eight-Happiness

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Slight Sexual Content Ahead?

I'm not sure what to call this feeling, but I never want it to end. I feel...happy. It's a genuine happiness that I've dreamed of feeling since I was a teenager. The party is over finally. As much as I love Harry's family and all our friends, socializing wears me out. 

Anne and Gemma have already gone to bed, leaving me and Harry in the living room sharing a glass of wine. "We did it," He chuckles, pouring both of us a glass of red wine. I smile forms on my face, and I nod. 

"Ya, that was fun. I'm glad it's over though. I hate...," I pause, trying to find the right word. 

Harry answers for me, a smirk on his face. "Attention?" 

I nod my head, and he lets out a breathy chuckle. "I know, baby. I'm proud of you." He hands me my glass, and I lean against the countertops tiredly. "We survived." 

He clinks our glasses together causing me to giggle before bringing the glass to my lips. We talk about half an hour later just about everything on our minds. We discuss Harry's future plans with his music and our future after we actually get married and stuff like that. I leave one question out though. 

Will Harry want kids? 

A man like Harry would certainly want kids I feel like. He's already a walking baby magnet. Kids are drawn to him by his warmth and kindness. Plus, two years ago when we were back where he talked about having kids one day. 

I could never be a mother. I'm not a great nurturer. I can take care of pets, but that's completely different. A child is a whole other human being. I'm not ready for that, and, quite frankly, I don't think I'll ever be. Motherhood just isn't for me. I don't want a child of mine to have to face what I did, so why would I even bother? I know with Harry and me as parents the circumstances would be different but still. 

What if I turn into my father? 

No, that will never happen. My father was a cold human being. If I ever do have a child, I will learn from my father's mistakes. 

"What's wrong?" Harry asks, standing in front of me. He brings his hands up to my arms and rubs them comfortingly.  

I fake a smile and shake my head. "Nothing, I'm just stressed I guess. Don't worry about it though." He doesn't look convinced. 

"I know that's not it, but do you want to talk about it?" My heart swells. He's too sweet. How did I ever end up with somebody like him? 

I shake my head, and he. nods. 

"Whenever you're ready I'm here to listen. You know you can talk to me, right?"

I quickly nod my head. I know he's hurt that whatever I'm not telling him what's bugging me, but it's for the best. 

"I love you," I state out of the blue.

He chuckles and replies, "I love you too." His hands come up to my face where he gently grasps my chin and brings his lips to mine. 

The kiss starts off sweet but turns passionate and lust-filled very quickly. His tongue quickly slips into my mouth, not even bothering to take it slow or be gentle. His tongue dominates my mouth. I bring my hand up behind his neck, looping my arms around it. I push him closer to me, not wanting there to be an inch of space between us. 

For being such a softie cinnamon roll, he certainly can change just like that when he gets horny, not that I'm complaining. His hands start roaming up and down my body before I remember where we are. We're in his mother's kitchen right now. 

I pull away, both of us panting. He gives me a confused look, and I shake my head. "What if someone walks in?" I whisper. 

He just smirks and shrugs before pecking my lips, taking my hand, and dragging me upstairs. He quickly opens his bedroom door, right afterward proceeding to shut it and lock it. I quickly attach my lips to his when he turns his head in my direction. He returns the same amount of passion and energy, slowly pushing me backward. 

After a few, blind steps backward I feel his bed hit my upper back thigh. He pushes me back, causing me to fall onto the soft bed. I scoot back while he quickly climbs on top of me, hungrily attaching his lips to mine. 

"Harry," I whisper out again. "What if someone hears us?"

He smirks at me while on top of me before whispering seductively in my ear, "I guess you'll just have to be quiet then." 

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