The Countdown - 5 (Creative Poetry and Short Story Contests!)

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She stared at the paper for a long time. Why was this still going on? Why was it still counting down? After Jeremy's death, shouldn't this have stopped?


He still lay in his own dried-up blood on the kitchen floor. Cathy bent down and sat down beside his body, sighing.

She glanced down at his body and found herself not feeling anything at all except disgust because the odor that seemed to be coming from him was dreadful. "Gosh, take a bath," she said, standing up and then chuckled at her own joke.

She walked into the living room and her eyes fell on the framed photos hanging on the all. The first one was of her and Jeremy's first date. They were both blushing a little. The next one was of them kissing on New Year's Eve. Similarly, in the third one they were both smiling at the camera on their three-year anniversary.

Her eyes started to water and she swallowed the lump in her throat.

"Jerry..." She said his nickname softly. "God!" she choked on her sob. "What have I done? What have I done?!"


She stood looking down at the city below her in her bedroom balcony. It was before dawn and everything seemed to be blanketed in complete darkness. She looked back over her shoulder and blinked away the tears.

She looked at the crumpled paper in her hand.


Her time had come.

She smirked. It was funny since she was never the one who'd have suicidal thoughts and yet here she was, ready to jump to her end. Their apartment was on the sixth floor so a jump from here would really end her. She sighed, closing her eyes.

The pale head with the dark and unblinking eyes floated in her mind and she opened them.

It was time, she said to herself in her mind.


She jumped, the paper still in her hand.

----The End----

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